Reamaze 0.0.2

Reamaze 0.0.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Unclaimed.

Reamaze 0.0.2

Reamaze SDK for iOS

Reamaze allows you to embed a support knowledge base into your app.

Sample app

For a quick first look at Reamaze, we have included a very small sample application that you can build and run. The sample app demonstrates presenting a ReamazeController and delegation when the controller is finished.


There are two ways to add Reamaze to your project:

Copy manually

  1. Clone this repository (git clone --recursive)
  2. In the menubar, click on 'File' then 'Add files to "Project"...'
  3. Select the 'ReamazeSDK' directory in your cloned reamaze-ios repository
  4. Make sure "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)" is checked"
  5. Click "Add"



Trigger Reamaze from anywhere (e.g. Button Press)

// SomeViewController.m

- (IBAction)viewHelp:(id)sender {
  ReamazeController *reamaze = [[ReamazeController alloc] init];
  reamaze.brand = @"YOUR BRAND HERE"; // Get your brand from the subdomain of your public site. (e.g. is brand "foobar")
  [self presentModalViewController:reamaze animated:YES];

Optional Delegation

Create a class that conforms to the ReamazeControllerDelegate protocol.

// SomeViewController.h

#import "Reamaze.h"
@interface SomeViewController : UIViewController<ReamazeControllerDelegate>
// ...

Write a delegate method to receive the callback when the user is done viewing your knowledge base

// SomeViewController.m

- (void)reamazeCompletionHandler:(ReamazeController *)reamaze {
  NSLog(@"Reamaze is done");

That's all you need to do!