ReactiveNetwork 0.3.1

ReactiveNetwork 0.3.1

Maintained by Jimmy Aumard.

Depends on:
RxSwift~> 4.0
RxCocoa~> 4.0


CI Status Version License Platform

ReactiveNetwork is a small library to make REST JSON API request and parse the result into a Swift object. Swift 4 is mandatory as it use the native capability of Swift 4 to parse JSON payload with Codable.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


You can check the example app, here is a quick example on how using the library to consume a REST JSON API:

Create the ReactiveNetwork instance:

let reactiveNetwork = ReactiveNetwork.Builder("https://mywebservicebaseurl/").build()

This object have the following available method that you can use to make HTTP requests:

Request with body:

doRequest<T: Codable, R: Codable>(method: String = "POST", 
                                  path: String,
                                  body: T,
                                  queryParams: Dictionary<String, String> = [:],
                                  pathParams: Dictionary<String, String> = [:],
                                  headers: Dictionary<String, String> = [:]) -> Single<R>
doRequest<T: Codable>(method: String = "POST", 
                      path: String,
                      body: T,
                      queryParams: Dictionary<String, String> = [:],
                      pathParams: Dictionary<String, String> = [:],
                      headers: Dictionary<String, String> = [:]) -> Completable                                   

Request without body:

doRequest<T: Codable>(method: String = "GET", 
                      path: String, 
                      queryParams: Dictionary<String, String> = [:],
                      pathParams: Dictionary<String, String> = [:],
                      headers: Dictionary<String, String> = [:]) -> Single<T>
doRequest(method: String = "DELETE", 
          path: String, 
          queryParams: Dictionary<String, String> = [:],
          pathParams: Dictionary<String, String> = [:],
          headers: Dictionary<String, String> = [:]) -> Completable                       


  • method is the http method to use (like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE...)
  • path is the sub path to the resource to fetch (list users, users/post...)
  • body is the swift object that extend Codable to send to the server
  • queryParams is a dictionary of key/value to send as query parameters (like ?sort=desc&filter=test)
  • pathParams is the url part to replace in case of dynamic path (like path="/users/{subcat}" then subcat:mycatvalue should be pass)
  • headers http header to pass to the request as key/value (like Content-Type:application/json)

Consider the following payload:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "John",
  "firstName": "Paul",
  "email": "[email protected]"

First create your model, it must extend Codable

class User: Codable {
    let id: Int?
    let name: String
    let firstName: String
    let phone: String?
    let email: String
    init(id: Int?, name: String, firstName: String, phone: String?, email: String) { = id = name
        self.firstName = firstName = phone = email

Then create your network data source that will call web services:

class UserNetworkDataSource {
    private let reactiveNetwork: ReactiveNetwork
    private let basePath: String

    init(_ reactiveNetwork: ReactiveNetwork) {
        self.reactiveNetwork = reactiveNetwork
        self.basePath = "users"

    func get() -> Single<[T]> {
        return reactiveNetwork.doRequest(method: "GET", path: self.basePath)

    func get(_ id: Int) -> Single<T> {
        return reactiveNetwork.doRequest(method: "GET", path: "\(self.basePath)/\(id)")

    func create(_ item: T) -> Single<T> {
        return reactiveNetwork.doRequest(method: "POST", path: self.basePath, body: item)

    func update(_ id: Int, item: T) -> Single<T> {
        return reactiveNetwork.doRequest(method: "PUT", path: "\(self.basePath)/\(id)", body: item)

    func delete(_ id: Int) -> Completable {
        return reactiveNetwork.doRequest(method: "DELETE", path: "\(self.basePath)/\(id)").asCompletable()

Or you can use the build in one like this:

class UserNetworkDataSource: NetworkDataSource<User> {

    init(_ reactiveNetwork: ReactiveNetwork) {
        super.init("users", reactiveNetwork: ReactiveNetwork)


Now is you need to modify the request or the response globally here is where the interceptors are useful. There two build in interceptors, LogInterceptor and HeaderInterceptor. They can be added with the method addInterceptor of ReactiveNetwork.Builder. You can add multiple interceptors, they will be executed in order.


It will log all request and response on the console for you, should be useful to debug your calls.

LogInterceptor(level: .debug)

You have three level:

  • none, will not log information
  • info, will log basic information, url, status code...
  • debug, will log all information, url, headers, body, status code...


It will globally add headers on all your request for you. Just pass them during initialisation.

HeaderInterceptor(["Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json"])

Custom Interceptor

You can create your own interceptors by implementing two protocols, RequestInterceptor if your interceptor need to intercept the request and ResponseInterceptor to intercept the response. You can check the code of the built it interceptors as example.



ReactiveNetwork is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ReactiveNetwork'


To deploy this pod:

pod lib lint
git tag 'x.x.x'
git push --tags
pod trunk push ReactiveNetwork.podspec


jaumard, [email protected]


ReactiveNetwork is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.