RMKAzureTranslator 1.0.1

RMKAzureTranslator 1.0.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jan 2017

Maintained by Rekha Manju Kiran.

  • By
  • Rekha Manju Kiran

A simple iOS utility to translate text using Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services

Steps to integrate


Signup to Azure Cognitive services Follow the steps in this link Azure Cognitive Services and obtain the azure translate key and token

Step 2

Import the "RMKAzureTranslator.h" file into your App Delegate file
Create a pointer for a String containing the obtained azure Key
Call the "initWithAzureKey" method in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function with the above created pointer.
#import <RMKAzureTranslator/RMKAzureTranslator.h>

static NSString *const RMKAzureTranslatorKey = <Insert-your-azureKey-here>;

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // Override point for customization after application launch.

    [RMKAzureTranslator initWithAzureKey:RMKAzureTranslatorKey];

    return YES;

Step 3

Import the "RMKAzureTranslator.h" file into the ViewController Invoke the "translateString" method Pass the Text to be translated, the Source ISO language code of the source string. -- __Set nil if language unknown , the utility will autodetect_ and the Destination ISO language code of the desired language output.

[[RMKAzureTranslator sharedInstance] translateString:@"Hello, my name is Rekha"
                                            fromLanguage:@"en" toLanguage:@"fr" onCompletion:^(NSString *translatedString, NSError *error)

Step 4

Run the app


  1. Go to the RMKAzureTranslatorDemo directory.
  2. Open RMKAzureTranslatorDemo.xcodeproj
  3. Run the app.

Adding RMKAzureTranslator to Your Project

add the line

pod 'RMKAzureTranslator' 

to your podfile


FGTranslator uses the following projects:


RMKAzureTranslator is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.