RDExtensionsSwift 5.0.1

RDExtensionsSwift 5.0.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Aug 2019
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Giorgi Iashvili.

  • By
  • Giorgi Iashvili


Version License Platform Language Language Language Language Language Language

RDExtensionsSwift is a collection of useful extensions for Swift.
It makes your iOS app development much easier and lets you to write simplier and cleaner code.


Operator Overloads

You can add, substract, multiply, divide other type variables without casting them:

let intNumber : Int = 10
let doubleNumber : Double = 5.5
let sum = intNumber + doubleNumber // sum value will be 15.5 Double

You are able to concatenate two array into first:

var array1 = [1, 2, 3]
let array2 = [4, 5, 6]
array1 += array2 // array1 value will be [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Int and Int64 Extensions

Convert int to ascii character:

97.toCharacter // value will be Character("A")

Convert int to String:

123.toString // value will be String("123")

Double Float and CGFloat Extensions

Convert Double to String:

let d = 123.456789
d.toString = "123.456789"
d.toString() = "123.45"
d.toString(4) = "123.4567" // where 4 is the number of characters after point

Bool Extensions

Convert bool to String and Int

true.toString = "true"
false.toString = "false"
true.toInt = 1
false.toInt = 0

Character Extensions

Convert Character to Int (by ascii table):

Character("A").toInt = 97

String Extensions

Convert String to bool, Int, Double, CGFloat, HTTP URL, File Path etc...

("TRUE" | "True" | "true" | "YES" | "Yes" | "yes" | "1").toBool = true
("FALSE" | "False" | "false" | "NO" | "No" | "no" | "0").toBool = false
"123".toInt = 123
"123".toDouble = Double(123)
"123".toCGFloat = CGFloat(123)
"http://example.com/".toHttpURL = NSURL(sting: "http://example.com/")
"/path/to/file".toFileURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/to/file")

Get the length of the String:

"123456789".length = 9

Trim whitespace characters from String:

"   1 2 3 4   ".condenseWhiteSpace() = "1 2 3 4"

Substring To, From, From to To, Range:

"0123456789".substringTo(5) = "01234"
"0123456789".substringFrom(5) = "56789"
"0123456789".substring(4, to: 7) = "456"

Get the range of substring:

"0123456789".range("456") = NSRange(4, 3)

Append path component:

"/folder/subfolder".stringByAppendingPathComponent("subfolder2/file") = "/folder/subfolder/subfolder2/file"

Replace Characters with NSRange and return Value:

"0123456789".stringByReplacingCharactersInRange(NSMakeRange(4, 3), withString: "000") = "0123000789"

Replace Characters with NSRange:

var string = "0123456789"
string.replaceCharactersInRange(NSMakeRange(4, 3), withString: "000") // string value will be "0123000789"

Validate with regex:

"#hashtag".validate("#.*") = true

Find regex matches:

let array = try "name1 name2 name3".matches("[a-zA-Z]{4}[0-9]{1}") // array value will be ["name1", "name2", "name3"]
// handle an error here

Find ranges for values:

let array = try "name1 name2 name3".ranges("name") // array value will be [NSMakeRange(0, 4), NSMakeRange(6, 4), NSMakeRange(12, 4)]
// handle an error here

Get Characters and substrings via subscripts:

"123"[1] = Character("2") // Character value
"123"[1] = "2" // String value
"123"[NSMakeRange(1, 1)] = "2"
"123"[NSMakeRange(1, 1).toRange()!] = "2"

Get visible string for rect:

let string = "string value here ..."
string.visibleStringInRect(CGRectValue, font: UIFontValue)

Generate UUID:

String.UUID = "503bc59e-83f9-11e6-ae22-56b6b6499611" // value will be unique string

Get width for height and height for width:

"string value here".widthForHeight(50, font: UIFont())
"string value here".heightForWidth(50, font: UIFont())

CGRect Extensions

Get and Set values for x, y, centerX, centerY, lastX, lastY, center, middle points from CGRect:

let frame = CGRectMake(10, 20, 50, 100)
frame.x = 10
frame.y = 20
frame.centerX = 30
frame.centerY = 60
frame.lastX = 60
frame.lastY = 120
frame.center = CGPointMake(30, 60)
frame.middle = CGPointMake(25, 50)

CMTime Extensions

Convert CMTime to NSTimeInterval in seconds:

CMTimeMake(100, timescale: timescaleValue).toSeconds = 100

AVPlayerItem Extensions

Get current playback time from AVPlayerItem:

let item = AVPlayerItem() // initialization here
item.currentPlaybackTime // value will be current playback time in seconds

Array and Collection Extensions

Remove specific object from array:

var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let removedObject = array.remove(2)
removedObject = 2
array = [1, 3, 4, 5]

Insert contents of array at index:

var array1 = [1, 2, 3]
var array2 = [4, 5, 6]
let array3 = array1.insertContentsOf(array2, atIndex: 1)
array3 = [1, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3]

Subscript two dimensional array with NSIndexPath:

let dataSource = [[1, 2], [3]]
dataSource[NSIndexPath(forRow: 0, inSection: 1)] = 3

Remove object from two dimensional array with NSIndexPath:

let dataSource = [[1, 2], [3]]
let removedObject = dataSource.removeAtIndexPath(NSIndexPath(forRow: 0, inSection: 1))
removedObject = 3

Convert String array to Int array:

let stringArray = ["1", "2", "3"]
stringArray.toInt = [1, 2, 3]

NSObject Extensions

Get class full name as string:

UIViewController.stringFromClass = "ProjectTargetName.UIViewController"
UIViewController().stringFromClass = "ProjectTargetName.UIViewController"

Get class name as string:

UIViewController.className = "UIViewController"
UIViewController().className = "UIViewController"

Get Object from Nib:

NSObject.objectFromNib("NibName", boundle: boundle, owner: owner, options: options)

NSData Extensions

Download data from internet:

let url = NSURL(string: "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/5988751?v=3&s=466")!
let uuid = NSData.download(url, completeInMainThread: true, completion: { (data, id) in
id == uuid
data == downloaded data from url

NSDate Extensions

Get local Date:

NSDate.localDate = current date by device timezone

Create Date from day, month and year:

NSDate.dateWithDay(29, month: 7, year: 1992) = 29/07/1992

Convert Date to String:

date.toString("dd-MM-YY") = "29-07-92"
date.toString("ss-mm-HH") = "27-35-11"

Date properties:

let date = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: 1474647378)
let second = 18
let minute = 16
let hour = 18
let day = 23
let weekDay = 6
let weekdayOrdinal = 4
let month = 9
let year = 2016
let era = 1

self.date.second = second
self.date.minute = minute
self.date.hour = hour
self.date.day = day
self.date.weekDay = weekDay
self.date.weekdayOrdinal = weekdayOrdinal
self.date.month = month
self.date.year = year
self.date.era = era

NSDictionary Extensions

Get value for caseinsensitive key:

let dict = ["kEy" : "value"]
dict.valueForLowercaseKey("key") = "value"
dict.valueForLowercaseKey("KEY") = "value"

NSURL Extensions

Exclude URL from icloud backup:

let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/to/file")
url.excludeFromBackup(true) // exclude
url.excludeFromBackup(false) // include

Check if url is excluded from backup:

let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/to/file")
url.excludedFromBackup = true // excluded
url.excludedFromBackup = false // included

PHAsset Extensions

Check if PHAsset is already fetched from server:

let asset = PHAsset() // init here
asset.downloaded = true // fetched
asset.downloaded = false // not fetched

UIColor Extensions

Create UIColor with RGB integer and hex values:

UIColor(255, green: 0, blue: 0) // Red color
UIColor(hexValue: 0xff0000) // Red color
UIColor(hexString: "#ff0000") // Red color

Get color components:

let color = UIColor(1, green: 0.5, blue: 0)
color.red = 1
color.green = 0.5
color.blue = 0

Get random color


UIImage Extensions

Create image with color:

UIImage(color: UIColor.redColor(), size: CGSizeMake(100, 100))

Download image from url:

let url = NSURL(string: "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/5988751?v=3&s=466")!
let uuid = UIImage.download(url, completion: { (image, id) in
id == uuid
image == downloaded image from url

Animated image from GIF file:

UIImage.gif("file.gif") // gif with name
UIImage.gif(NSURL()) // gif with url
UIImage.gif(NSData()) // gif with data
UIImage.gif(CGImageSourceRef()) // gif with source

Invert Transparancy:

let image = UIImage(named: "") // Init here

Get color with pixel:

let image = UIImage(named: "") // Init here
image.color(CGPointMake(20, 40))

Resize Image:

let image = UIImage(named: "") // Init here
image.rescale(0.5) // image will be resized by 1/2
image.resize(CGSizeMake(10, 20)) // image will be resized on (10, 20) size
image.cutCircle(10) // image will cut circle with 10 radius

Rotate Image:

let image = UIImage(named: "") // Init here
image.imageByRotation(90) // image will be rotated by 90 degrees

Change orientation:

let image = UIImage(named: "") // Init here
image.changeOrientation(UIImageOrientation.Down) // image will have Down orientation

UINib Extensions

Initialize nib:

UINib.instantiateType(type, nibName: name, bundle: boundle, owner: owner, options: options)

UIView Extensions

Load view from nib:

UIView.loadNibNamed(nibName: String, nibClass: AnyClass)

Get subviews by tag recursively:

self.view.subviews(27, recursively: true)

Remove all subviews:


Get screenshot from view:

self.view.screenshot() // returns UIImage
self.view.screenshot(CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100)) // returns UIImage from 0, 0, 100, 100 frame

Covert View to Image:


Stretch view layout:

let view = UIView() // Init here
view.stretchLayout() // view will have the same frame as its superview
view.stretchLayout(UIView()) // view will have the same frame as another view
view.stretchLayout(UIView(), edgeInsets: UIEdgeInsetsMake()) // view will have the frame with insets to another view

Get constraints by identifier:

let view = UIView() // Init here
view.constraints("identifier") // returns array of NSLayoutConstraint

Mask view outside and inside of frame:

let view = UIView() // Init here
view.outterMask(CGRectMake(10, 10, 80, 80, cornerRadius: 10)) // cornerRadius is optional
view.innerMask(CGRectMake(10, 10, 80, 80, cornerRadius: 10)) // cornerRadius is optional

Remove mask from view:


Check if view is masked:

view.masked = true // masked
view.masked = false // not masked

UIScrollView Extensions

Get and Set content width and height of scroll view:

scrollview.contentWidth = 100
scrollview.contentHeight = 100

Check if scroll view is scroll top or bottom:

scrollview.scrolledTop = true // scrolled to top
scrollview.scrolledBottom = true // scrolled to bottom

Scroll scroll view to Top and Bottom:

scrollview.scrollToTop(true) // scroll to top with animation
scrollview.scrollToTop(false) // scroll to top without animation
scrollview.scrollToBottom(true) // scroll to top with animation
scrollview.scrollToBottom(false) // scroll to top without animation

UIAlertView Extensions

Create simple alert view:

UIAlertView(title: String?, message: String, delegate: AnyObject?, tag: Int, style: UIAlertViewStyle, keyboardType: UIKeyboardType, cancelButtonTitle: String?, otherButtonTitles: String, String...)

UIAlertController Extensions

Create simple alert controller:

UIAlertController(title: String?, message: String, style: UIAlertControllerStyle, inputFieldPlaceholders: [String], actionTitles: [String], actionBlocks: { (action) in
}, completion: {

UIImageView Extensions

Create UIImageView with mask:

UIImageView.imageView(UIImage(), mask: UIImage())

UILabel Extensions

Get width and height for label text by height, width and font:


Truncate label tail:

label.truncateTail(10, attributed: false) // truncate after 10 characters non attributed label
label.tailTruncated // check if label tail is truncated 

Get visible text rect:

label.textRect // return CGRect

Get character index by point:

label.characterIndex(CGPointMake(10, 10)) // returns Int

UITextField Extensions

Get width and height for text field text by height, width and font:


UITextView Extensions

Get width and height for text view text by height, width and font:


UIViewController Extensions

Load view controllers:

UIViewController.loadWithId("identifier", storyboard: "name") // storyboard name is optional. If it is not presented view controller will be loaded from Main storyboard
MyViewController.loadFromStoryboard("storyboardName") // storyboard name is optional. If it is not presented view controller will be loaded from Main storyboard
MyViewController.loadAsRootViewControllerFromStoryboard("storyboardName") // initializes viewcontroller and loads it as root. Storyboard name is optional. If it is not presented view controller will be loaded from Main storyboard
MyViewController().loadAsRootViewController() // loads view controller as root.

MPMoviePlayerController Extensions

Get thumbnail from moview player:

player.thumbnail(CMTime) // returns UIImage. Time is optional. If it is not presented thumbnail will be loaded from the first frame


  • Manually
  • As Open Source:
  1. Download RDExtensionsSwift project
  2. Drag n drop the Source folder into your project (Make sure that you tick on Copy if needed checkbox)
  • As Embedded Framework:
  1. Download RDExtensionsSwift project
  2. Build it for desired target
  3. Copy it into your project directory
  4. In Xcode navigator select project >> General >> Embedded Binaries: click + button and select RDExtensionsSwift framework.
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
target 'ProjectName' do
# For latest version:
    pod 'RDExtensionsSwift'
# For earlier verions:
    pod 'RDExtensionsSwift', '~> 5.0.1' # for Swift 5.0
    pod 'RDExtensionsSwift', '~> 4.2.3' # for Swift 4.2
    pod 'RDExtensionsSwift', '~> 4.0.1' # for Swift 4
    pod 'RDExtensionsSwift', '~> 3.1.1' # for Swift 3.2
    pod 'RDExtensionsSwift', '~> 2.1.0' # for Swift 3.0
    pod 'RDExtensionsSwift', '~> 1.0.7' # for Swift 2

Run pod install, and you should now have the latest RDExtensionsSwift release.


All you need to do is to import the library and start coding:

import RDExtensionsSwift


  • Swift 2.2 or later


Giorgi Iashvili, [email protected]


RDExtensionsSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.