ProtonomeRoundedViews 1.2.0

ProtonomeRoundedViews 1.2.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Aug 2019
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Daniel Clelland.

  • By
  • Daniel Clelland


ProtonomeRoundedViews is a collection of IBDesignable-compatible views with rounded corners.

They are built with performance in mind, and avoid setting layer.cornerRadius in favor of using resizable images or overriding drawRect: instead. The reason for this being that calling layer.cornerRadius causes a layer to render its corners on the CPU, which can drastically lower your frame rate if, say, you do it a lot inside a scroll view.

Additionally, the views support IBInspectable and IBDesignable for configuration and preview in Interface Builder.


✓ UIView -> RoundedView

✓ UILabel -> RoundedLabel

✓ UIButton -> RoundedButton


  • Explore just setting shouldRasterize and rasterizationScale
  • Explore using resizable images on RoundedLayer and RoundedLabel