ProcessOut 4.13.2

ProcessOut 4.13.2

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Apr 2024
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Jeremy Lejoux, Louis-Paul Dareau, Michał Bielecki, ProcessOut CI.

ProcessOut 4.13.2

  • By
  • ProcessOut


Get started with our ProcessOut documentation or browse the SDK reference.


iOS 12.0+


Module Description
ProcessOut Allows to interact with ProcessOut API and provides a UI to handle payments.
ProcessOutCheckout3DS Integration with 3D Secure (3DS) mobile SDK.


We welcome contributions of any kind including new features, bug fixes, and general improvements.

Development requirements

  • A recent version of macOS (tested with 13.3.1)
  • A recent version of Xcode (tested with 14.3.1)
  • Homebrew package manager
  • Ruby (tested with 3.1.2) with bundler installed


Before going further please make sure that you have installed all dependencies specified in requirements section. Then in order to install remaining dependencies and prepare a project run ./Scripts/ script from repository's root directory. It will create ProcessOut.xcodeproj project that should be used for development.


If you plan to run tests ensure that Tests/ProcessOutTests/Resources/Constants.yml file with test project credentials exists before generating project. E.g.

projectId: test-proj_K3Ur9LQzcKtm4zttWJ7oAKHgqdiwboAw
projectPrivateKey: key_test_RE14RLcNikkP5ZXMn84BFYApwotD05Kc
customerId: cust_dCFEWBwqWrBFYAtkRIpILCynNqfhLQWX

Running tests

To run tests locally use ./Scripts/ script. It is also possible to run them directly in Xcode from the ProcessOut target in ProcessOut.xcodeproj.


ProcessOut is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.