Parallaxer 4.0.0

Parallaxer 4.0.0

Maintained by Clifton Roberts.

  • By
  • Clifton Roberts


Parallaxer is a framework for crafting parallax effects in Swift.


  • Swift 4.2


With Carthage

github "Parallaxer/Parallaxer"

With CocoaPods

pod 'Parallaxer'


Parallax effects are achieved by composing a tree of ParallaxEffect objects, or parallax tree. Below is a brief description of the types used to construct nodes in a parallax tree. See source files for more documentation.

  • ParallaxEffect:

    • A node in a parallax tree.
    • Values are set, or seeded, at the root.
    • Nested effects express values relative to their parent.
  • ParallaxInterval:

    • A bidirectional interval with boundaries such that from != to.
  • ParallaxCurve:

    • Used by an effect to transform progress inherited from its parent.


Percentage example

import Parallaxer
var percentage: Double?

// Define an effect that expresses a value as a percentage of its parent interval.
let calculatePercentage = ParallaxEffect(
    interval: ParallaxInterval(from: 0, to: 100),
    change:   { percentage = $0 as Double }

var root = ParallaxEffect(interval: ParallaxInterval(from: 0, to: 4))

root.seed(withValue: 2)
print(percentage) // Output: 50.0

PhotoBook example project

Check out PhotoBook, an example project which showcases the Parallaxer framework.


Parallaxer is maintained by Clifton Roberts and released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.