Osmosis 1.0.1

Osmosis 1.0.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jan 2016
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Christian Praiß.

Osmosis 1.0.1

Osmosis - Swift Scrapping


Osmosis makes web scraping using Swift easy. With Osmosis you can quickly parse and transform any website to use its data in your app. It is based on the node.js module node-osmosis


    // Get the website at the given url
    // Find all elements matching the selector and execute the following actions on them
                .find(OsmosisSelector(selector: "#dailyScore tr.valid"), type: .CSS)
    // Populate the information you want from the dict
                    OsmosisPopulateKey.Single("points") : OsmosisSelector(selector: "td:nth-child(2)"),
                    OsmosisPopulateKey.Single("aircraft"): OsmosisSelector(selector: "#tt_aircraft b"),
                    OsmosisPopulateKey.Single("takeOffLocation"): OsmosisSelector(selector: ".hlinfo > b:last-child"),
                    OsmosisPopulateKey.Single("pilot"): OsmosisSelector(selector: ".hltitel a")]
                                        , type: .CSS)
    // Get the parsed information
                .list { (var dict) -> Void in
                    // Use the parsed dict here
    // Start the operations

Osmosis supports both XPath and CSS selectors.


Osmosis is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Osmosis"


Christian Praiß, [email protected]


Osmosis is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.