OculusReparo 0.2.1

OculusReparo 0.2.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Aug 2016
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Chris Wood.

  • By
  • Chris Wood

Oculus Reparo - A Swifty UIKit Layout Manager

Oculus Reparo allows you to define view layouts in plain text files.

Let’s build a simple animated traffic light:

Include the follow text file in your main application bundle:

/* Let's define some variables */
@set red:   #ff3b30;
@set amber: #ff9500;
@set green: #4cd964;
@set grey:  #8e8e93;

/* Add a UIView */
view {
    position @if portrait {                     /* Position if portrait */
        align: center middle;
        height: 300;
        width: 80;

    position @if landscape {                    /* Position if landscape */
        align: center middle;
        height: 80;
        width: 300;

    /* Define a mixin */
    @define: traffic-light {
        /* Add a CALayer */
        layer {
            position {
                top: @position      @if portrait;
                left: 0             @if portrait;
                top: 0              @if landscape;
                left: @position     @if landscape;
                width: 80;
                height: 80;

            id: @id;
            background-color: @color;
            corner-radius: 40;
            opacity: 0.5;

    /* Include red light... */
    @traffic-light {
        id: red;
        position: 0;
        color: @red;

    /* Include amber light */
    @traffic-light {
        id: amber;
        position: +20;
        color: @amber;

    /* Include green light */
    @traffic-light {
        id: green;
        position: +20;
        color: @green;

/* Add a UIButton */
button {
    /* Set it's position */
    position {
        top: 20             @if portrait;       /* Let's move the button depending */
        top: 0              @if landscape;      /* on the screen's orientation */
        left: 0;
        width: 100;
        height: 44;

    font-size: 17;                              /* Font parameters */
    font-weight: regular;
    text-alignment: left;

    title: Back;                                /* Title */
    title-color: @grey;

    on-touch: onBack;                           /* Objective C Selector */

    image-bundle: BackwardDisclosure22x22;      /* Image parameters */
    tint-color: @grey;
    image-edge-insets: 0 7.5 0 7.5;

A LayoutViewController is supplied out of the box to help you render your view, however you can manage the view lifecycle yourself if you want full control over the screen size and orientation changes.

import UIKit
import OculusReparo

class TrafficLightsController : LayoutViewController {
    var red: CALayer?                               // Mapped automatically from our view
    var amber: CALayer?
    var green: CALayer?

    override func viewWillLayout() {
        layout.filename  = "TrafficLights.layout"   // The name of our text file
        layout.model = self                         // Sets object to map to

    override func viewDidLayout() {
        // Start a timer
        NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: #selector(onTimer), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)

    // Invoked from the view
    func onBack() {

    // Animate our lights
    func onTimer(timer: NSTimer) {
        if red?.opacity == 1 {
            red?.opacity = 0.5
            amber?.opacity = 1

        else if amber?.opacity == 1 {
            amber?.opacity = 0.5
            green?.opacity = 1

        else {
            green?.opacity = 0.5
            red?.opacity = 1

Supported Featues

  • UIViews and CALayers
  • Nesting elements
  • Model binding
  • Event binding
  • Screen resolution and orientation detection
  • Auto Layout
  • Variables
  • Include files
  • Functions
  • Extension hooks


OculusReparo is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "OculusReparo"