OPAttributeString 0.0.7

OPAttributeString 0.0.7

Maintained by ooops.


CI Status Version License Platform


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • iOS 8.0 or later
  • Xcode 7.3 or later

Getting Started

OPAttributeString is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'OPAttributeString'

How To Use

  • Objective-C
NSString *despicableMe = @"I know someone whoabccan fix that for you.";      
self.someLabel.attributedText = [despicableMe make_Attribute:^(OPAttribute *make) {
    make.font([UIFont fontWithName:@"Courier New" size:12]);
    make.textColor([UIColor redColor]);
    make.backgroundColor([UIColor greenColor]);

or you can write like this.

NSString *despicableMe = @"I know someone whoabccan fix that for you.";      
self.someLabel.attributedText = [despicableMe make_Attribute:^(OPAttribute *make) {
    make.font([UIFont fontWithName:@"Courier New" size:12])
    .textColor([UIColor redColor])
    .backgroundColor([UIColor greenColor]);

or this

NSString *despicableMe = @"I know someone whoabccan fix that for you.";
self.someLabel.attributedText = despicableMe.
font([UIFont fontWithName:@"Courier New" size:12])
.textColor([UIColor redColor])
.backgroundColor([UIColor greenColor])

now you can see it.

Alt 20180426.png

But most of the time , you want set a part attribute of string. there is some API can use.


If the index parameter exceeds the string range, the correction processing rules are as follows:

(index < 0 || index > string.length) ? 0 : index;

NSString *despicableMe = @"I know someone whoabccan fix that for you.";      
self.someLabel.attributedText = [despicableMe make_Attribute:^(OPAttribute *make) {
    make.from(0).font([UIFont systemFontOfSize:10]);

Alt 20180426_1.png


the correction processing rules are as follows:

(index < 0 || index > string.length) ? string.length : index;

NSString *despicableMe = @"I know someone whoabccan fix that for you.";      
self.someLabel.attributedText = [despicableMe make_Attribute:^(OPAttribute *make) {
    make.font([UIFont systemFontOfSize:10]);
    make.to(5).font([UIFont systemFontOfSize:17]);

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the correction processing rules are as follows

location rules: same with from(index).

length rules: same with to(index).

NSString *despicableMe = @"I know someone whoabccan fix that for you.";      
self.someLabel.attributedText = [despicableMe make_Attribute:^(OPAttribute *make) {
    make.font([UIFont systemFontOfSize:10]);
    make.to(5).font([UIFont systemFontOfSize:17]);
    make.fromTo(8,12).backgroundColor([UIColor orangeColor]);

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use it like fromTo(location,length)

NSString *despicableMe = @"I know someone whoabccan fix that for you.";      
self.someLabel.attributedText = [despicableMe make_Attribute:^(OPAttribute *make) {
    make.font([UIFont systemFontOfSize:10]);
    make.to(5).font([UIFont systemFontOfSize:17]);
    make.range(NSMakeRange(0,10)).backgroundColor([UIColor orangeColor]);

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the correction processing rules are as follows

NS_INLINE BOOL rangeCheck(NSRange range, NSRange rangeContainer) {
    if(range.location < 0 || rangeContainer.location < 0 || rangeContainer.location > range.length) return false;
    return range.location <= rangeContainer.location && range.length >= rangeContainer.length;


Use this function to find the range of characters or strings.

NSString *despicableMe = @"I know someone whoabccan fix that for you.";      
self.someLabel.attributedText = [despicableMe make_Attribute:^(OPAttribute *make) {
    make.rangeOf(@"fix").strokeColor([UIColor blueColor]).strokeWidth(3);

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this is a multi-parameter function, roughly as follows:

first case: insert a string to source string

NSString *despicableMe = @"I know someone whoabccan fix that for you.";
self.someLabel.attributedText = [despicableMe make_Attribute:^(OPAttribute *make) {
    // default insert a string to the end of source string
    // or you can specified a string and index to insert
    // the index parameter has rules same way to(index) used
    // so -1 means 'ooops' will be inserted to the end

Alt 20180426_6.png second case: insert a NSAttributedString to source string

NSMutableAttributedString *string = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"e"];
[string addAttribute:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName value:[UIColor redColor] range:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];

NSString *despicableMe = @"I know someone whoabccan fix that for you.";

self.someLabel.attributedText = [despicableMe make_Attribute:^(OPAttribute *make) {

Alt 20180426_7.png

let us change the diffrent index paramters.


then will display like this Alt 20180426_8.png

third case: insert a UIImage to source string

NSString *despicableMe = @"I know someone whoabccan fix that for you.";
self.demoLabel.attributedText = [despicableMe make_Attribute:^(OPAttribute *make) {
    UIImage *img = [UIImage imageNamed:@"old_sj"];
    make.insert(img, 0, CGRectMake(0, 0, 18, 18), AttachmentAlignmentNormal);

Alt 20180426_9.png

regex pattern

NSString *despicableMe = @"I know someone whoabccan fix that for you.";
self.demoLabel.attributedText = [despicableMe make_Attribute:^(OPAttribute *make) {
    make.pattern(@"o").strokeColor([UIColor redColor]).strokeWidth(-5);

Alt 20180426_10.png

remove some char or string from source string, you can do it like by this way.

NSString *despicableMe = @"I know someone whoabccan fix that for you.";
self.demoLabel.attributedText = [despicableMe make_Attribute:^(OPAttribute *make) {
    // remove all char 'o' from source string.
    // defalut matching hole source string.
    // specified range
    make.removeE(@[@"o"],, NSMakeRange(0, 10));
    // mult-matching and specified range.
    make.removeE(@[@"e",@"o"], NSMakeRange(0, 10));

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replace some char or string from source string, you can do it like by this way. range rule: rangeCheck c function

NSString *despicableMe = @"I know someone whoabccan fix that for you.";
self.demoLabel.attributedText = [despicableMe make_Attribute:^(OPAttribute *make) {
    // matching the hole source string
    // matching the hole source string in range
    make.replace(@"o",@"O",NSMakeRange(0, 8));
    // mult-matching the hole string with dictionary
    // dictionary's key will matching.
    // the dictionary key's matching value will be replaced by dictionary's value.
    // defalut matching hole source string.
    make.replaceE(@[@{@"e" : @"o"},@{@"y" : @"Y"}]);
    // in the same way ... in range
    make.replaceE(@[@{@"o" : @"0"},@{@"n" : @"u"}],NSMakeRange(0, 8));

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urm9ril, [email protected]


All source code is licensed under the MIT License.