MockServer 0.1.0

MockServer 0.1.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release May 2016

Maintained by Matthew Patey.

  • By
  • Char Software, Inc. d/b/a Localytics

MockServer is an HTTP Server that captures all requests it receives. Its primary use case is being embedded in a test app and capturing network traffic from your application for validation. In particular, if you consider one of the primary outputs of a product to be its network requests, MockServer can be used to black-box test the product. This can also be useful in a unit testing environment if you want to test a piece of network code while still using a real HTTP stack. As a real HTTP server, this tool also has a lot of potential around returning stub data to the product being tested.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Open the MockServer.xcworkspace. Select the MockServer-Example target and run unit tests. The usage of mock server is shown below. For more detailed examples check out the tests in the MockServerTests class. Note that MockServer only supports http requests, so ATS exceptions must be enabled on iOS 9 and greater

@import MockServer; // if using frameworks
#import <MockServer/MockServer.h> // if not using frameworks

// ...

// create and start the server
LLMockServer *server = [[LLMockServer alloc] init];
XCTAssert([server startServer]);

// pass the host and port the server is listening on to code being tested
[uut setAuthority:server.authority];

// do something that cause the code being tested to make a network request
[uut doSomethingOnTheNetwork];

// obtain the request from the server. If the payload is not yet available it will wait for a timeout before returning `nil`
HTTPMessage *message = [server getNextRequest];
XCTAssertEqualObjects([message ll_bodyString], expectedPayload);

In addition to the methods in HTTPMessage+Parsing.h, you can also take advantage of all the functionality of the HTTPMessage class in the CocoaHTTPServer project.


MockServer is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "MockServer"

Next Steps

There is a lot of room for growth in the functionality this project offers, so any feedback on additional features or improvements to the current product are appreciated. Pull requests are welcome.


Char Software, Inc. d/b/a Localytics, [email protected]


MockServer is available under the the The MIT License (MIT). See the LICENSE file for more info.