MOCollectionUtilities 1.0.1

MOCollectionUtilities 1.0.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Maciej Oczko.


MOCollectionUtilities is a set of useful method gathered in categories for common Foundation collection classes.


  • Breakthrough isEmpty method
  • Multi-array objects enumeration
  • Array and Dictionary operations
    • Mapping
    • Filtering
    • Removing entries
    • Reversing (array only)
    • Creating array for objects with key paths
  • Stack simulation for mutable array

All operations return new immutable object.

Basic usage


Instead of :

if ([array count] == 0) {
    // something

You can use completely breakthrough method and write:

if([array isEmpty) {
   // something

It works with most common collection classes.

Multi array enumeration

If you have many arrays with equal count of objects, you can enumerate them all at once, e.g.:

[MOArraysEnumerator(array1, array2, array3) enumerateArraysUsingBlock:^(id obj1, id obj2, id obj3, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
    // obj1 is array1[idx], obj2 is array2[idx], obj3 is array3[idx]

You can put into MOArraysEnumerator macro up to 5 arrays and autocompletion will help you to implement proper method (easy use with Appcode).



Let's assume you have an array like:

NSArray *array = @[
        @"number" : @1,
    // and so on

You can map such array into a new one having only doubled numbers:

NSArray *numbers = [array filter:^BOOL(NSDictionary *dictionary) {
    return @( [dictionary[@"number"] integerValue] * 2 );


Let's assume you have a dictionary like:

NSDicationary *dictionary = @{
    @"number0" : @1,
    @"number1" : @2,
    // and so on

You can map such dictionary into a new one:

NSDictionary *differentDictionary = [dictionary map:^id(NSString *key, NSNumber *number) {
    NSUInteger keyLength = [key length];
    if (keyLength == 2) {
        return @( [number integerValue] * 2 );
    } else {
        return obj;



You can filter array:

NSArray *differentArray = [array filter:^BOOL(NSDictionary *dictionary) {
    return [dictionary[@"number"] integerValue] % 2 == 0;


You can filter dictionary:

NSDictionary *filteredDictionary = [dictionary filter:^BOOL(NSString *key, NSNumber *number) {
    return [key length] % 2 == 0;

Removing entries


You can remove a couple of object from array easy:

NSArray *arrayFixtures = [array without:@[
    obj1, obj2, obj3


You can remove a few keys (with related objects) from dictionary:

NSDictionary *selectedDictionary = [dictionary without:@[
     @"1", @"2", @"3"

Other operations


Return new array instance with objects in reversed order:

NSArray *reversedArray = [array reverse];

Sub objects array creation

If you'd like to make an array of objects which are held in a property of current array items, you can write:

NSArray *numbers = [array arrayOfObjectsForKey:NSStringFromSelector(@selector(number))];


Tricky one. Create a dictionary where the key is the property and the value is the object.

NSString *propertyString = NSStringFromSelector(@selector(number));
NSDictionary *dictionary = [array dictionaryWithValuesForKeysAsProperty:propertyString];


Very similar as previous operation, but you can provide custom key.

NSDictionary *dictionary = [array dictionaryWithValuesForCustomKeys:^id(NSDictionary *dictionary) {
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", [dictionary[@"number"] integerValue] * 2];

Dictionaries union

Very simple and easy method that creates new dictionary which is an union of two:

NSDictionary *first = @{ ... };
NSDictionary *second = @{ ... };
NSDictionary *third = [first dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeysFromDictionary:second];


It's possible to chain all mentioned methods, because each of them return new, immutable object. So you can write something like that:

NSArray *brandNewArray = [[[[_fixtures map:^id(id object) {
    // map objects
    return mapping;
}] filter:^BOOL(id object) {
    // filter objects
    return filterCondition;
}] without:@[
    // list of unwanted objects
]] reverse];

Stack-like methods

You can use two types of stack: FIFO and LIFO.

On NSMutableArray you can use following methods:

  • stack - simple factory method which creates FIFO stack by default
  • stackWithType: - factory method which creates FIFO or LIFO stack
  • push: - alias for addObject:
  • peek - returns from the beginning or from the end of array, depending on stack type (FIFO, LIFO)
  • pop - like peek but additionally it removes object from stack


MOCollectionUtilities is available through CocoaPods.

Include header

#import <MOCollectionUtilities/MOCollectionUtilities.h>



  • Added map, filter and without methods to NSSet and NSHashTable.


MOCollectionUtilities is available under the MIT license.