MMTransition 5.0.6

MMTransition 5.0.6

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jun 2021
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by MM.


CI Status Version License Platform


  1. Custom PresentmodaController with UIPresentationController and UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate ,
  2. More convenience to custom your dialog or menu


demo demo demo


iOS 8.0+
Xcode 8.0+
Swift 3.0+

Use (Menu / Dialog)

1.Add in your present controller

class DialogViewController: UIViewController {
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
         super.init(coder: aDecoder)
         self.mmT.present.dialog { (config) in
            config.animateType = .scale(from: 0, to: 1)
            config.dialogType = .size(s: CGSize(width: 300, height: 200))

2.Init with code

let story = UIStoryboard.init(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let second = story.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "Second") { (config) in
        config.isDraggable = true
        config.presentingScale = 1.0
        config.menuType = .bottomHeight(h: 200)

self.present(second, animated: true, completion: nil)

Use (pass view)

1.PassViewFromProtocol use on where you want to pass view

// Thsis is you passView
var passView: UIView { get }
// when transition dismiss or popView you need reset your UI
func completed(passView: UIView,superV: UIView)

2.PassViewToProtocol use on target controller

//your pass view's superView 
var containerView: UIView { get }

// Thsis two method can let you get view from previous controller
// you need set your constraint when transition completed
func transitionWillStart(passView: UIView)
func transitionCompleted(passView: UIView)

Setting parameter in activity closure { (config) in
         config.isDraggable = true
         config.presentingScale = 1.0


1.Common parameter

// presenting scale when present
public var presentingScale: CGFloat
// present controller animate damping
public var damping: CGFloat
// present controller animate option
public var animationOption: UIViewAnimationOptions
// present controller animate springVelocity
public var springVelocity: CGFloat
// present controller duration
public var duration: TimeInterval

1.Menu parameter

 let menu = MMAnimator<MenuConfig>()
 1.Menu Type
    public var menuType:MenuTypepe 
    public enum MenuType {
       case leftWidth(w: CGFloat)
       case leftWidthFromViewRate(rate: CGFloat)
       case rightWidth(w: CGFloat)2
       case rightWidthFromViewRate(rate: CGFloat)
       case bottomHeight(h: CGFloat)
       case bottomHeightFromViewRate(rate: CGFloat)
       case leftFullScreen
       case rightFullScreen  
 2.Set Drag
   public var isDraggable:Bool

2.Dialog parameter

let dialog = MMAnimator<DialogConfig>()

1.Dialog type
  public var dialogType:DialogType
  public enum DialogType {
     case preferSize //Xib use
     case size(s:CGSize) //Custom Size
2.Animate Type
  public var animateType:DialogAnimateType
  public enum DialogAnimateType {
    case alpha(from:CGFloat , to:CGFloat)
    case scale(from:CGFloat , to:CGFloat)
    case direction(type:DirectionType)
  public enum DirectionType {
     case left
     case right
     case top
     case bottom


MMTransition is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'MMTransition'
pod 'MMTransition', '1.0.0'

ex. if you can't see command (pod repo update) in terminal


[email protected]


MMTransition is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.