Lyft 0.0.8

Lyft 0.0.8

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Apr 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Genady Okrain.

Lyft 0.0.8

Lyft SDK


Please signup and read:


Lyft is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Lyft"


API Keys

Lyft.set(clientId: "clientId", clientSecret: "clientSecret")

For testing please use sandbox mode:

Lyft.set(clientId: "clientId", clientSecret: "clientSecret", sandbox: true)


Lyft.openLyftRide(rideType: .Line, destination: Address(lat: 37.7763592, lng: -122.4242038))

Don’t forget to update Info.plist to support lyft://


Client Credentials (2-legged) flow for public endpoints

Lyft.publicLogin { success, error in


3-Legged flow for accessing user-specific endpoints

Lyft.userLogin(scope: "public") { success, error in


You will need to setup a redirect too:

func application(app: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL, options: [String : AnyObject]) -> Bool {
  return Lyft.openURL(url)


Lyft.requestRideTypes(rideTypesQuery: RideTypesQuery(lat: 37.7833, lng: -122.4167)) { result, response, error in


Lyft.requestETA(etaQuery: ETAQuery(lat: 37.7833, lng: -122.4167)) { result, response, error in


Lyft.requestCost(costQuery: CostQuery(startLat: 37.7833, startLng: -122.4167, endLat: 37.7972, endLng: -122.4533)) { result, response, error in


Lyft.requestNearbyDrivers(nearbyDriversQuery: NearbyDriversQuery(lat: 37.7789, lng: -122.45690)) { result, response, error in



Lyft.requestRide(requestRideQuery: RequestRideQuery(originLat: 34.305658, originLng: -118.8893667, originAddress: "123 Main St, Anytown, CA", destinationLat: 36.9442175, destinationLng: -123.8679133, destinationAddress: "123 Main St, Anytown, CA", rideType: .Lyft)) { result, response, error in


Lyft.requestRideDetails(rideId: "123456789") { result, response, error in


Lyft.cancelRide(rideId: "123456789") { result, response, error in


Lyft.rateAndTipRide(rideId: "123456789", rateAndTipQuery: RateAndTipQuery(rating: 5, tipAmount: 100, tipCurrency: "USA", feedback: "great ride!")  { result, response, error in


Lyft.requestRideReceipt(rideId: "123456789") { result, response, error in


Lyft.requestRidesHistory(ridesHistoryQuery: RidesHistoryQuery(startTime: "2015-12-01T21:04:22Z", endTime: "2015-12-04T21:04:22Z", limit: "10")) { result, response, error in



Genady Okrain, [email protected], @genadyo


Lyft is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.