LocalizeNIB 1.1

LocalizeNIB 1.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jan 2018
SwiftSwift Version 4.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Jindrich Dolezy.

  • By
  • Jindra Dolezy



LocalizeNIB helps you with localizing storyboards and XIB files. Put everything you want to be localized to localizables outlet collection in your UIViewController and LocalizeNIB will use NSLocalizedString on everything. No more messing with unreadable component IDs!


LocalizeNIB is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "LocalizeNIB"


Basic usage

LocalizeNIB uses NSLocalizedString by default. If you have your Localizable.strings file ready, then all you need to do is add all components you want to localize to localizables outlet collection (as seen on the picture below). LocalizeNIB will use string values set in storyboard as a key for localization. There are extensions for common UIKit components so you don’t need to use custom classes if you don’t want to.

Adding to outlet collection

Debug mode

Setting LocalizeNIB.instance.debugMode to true will enable debug mode. LocalizeNIB will log unknown string keys and objects that either failed localization or do not support localization at all. Logging unknown keys works only

If you use your own logging solution you integrate it with LocalizeNIB by providing LocalizeNIB.instance.debugBlock.

Customizing localized strings

You can set LocalizeNIB.instance.stringProvider block and provide custom localized strings. This block will be called quite a lot, so it should return quickly.

Following example takes all passed-in keys and simply returns their uppercased version.

LocalizeNIB.instance.stringProvider = { $0.uppercased() }

Localizing custom components

You can provide custom localization to any object by implementing Localizable protocol. Extensions for UIKit classes are provided by default.

extension UILabel: Localizable {
    open func localize(provider: LocalizedStringProvider) throws {
        text = text.flatMap { provider($0) }

Catch-all block

You can customize localization process or exclude some objects from localization by providing LocalizeNIB.instance.localizeAll block. This block is called for every object being localized. You can skip localization for this object if you return true in this block.

Following example takes all UILabel components with localizeAll text, provides custom text for it.

LocalizeNIB.instance.localizeAll = { object, stringProvider in
    if let label = object as? UILabel, label.text == "localizeAll" {
        label.text = "Caught by localizeAll block"
        return true                
    } else {
        print("About to localize \(object)")
        return false

Using LocalizeNIB with MainInterface

When customizing behaviour of LocalizeNIB.instance and using default storyboard, you must do all customization in the init method of your UIApplicationDelegate otherwise the storyboard will be localized before your customizations. See AppDelegate in example project for reference.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Jindra Dolezy, [email protected]


LocalizeNIB is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.