LanguageKit 0.1.5

LanguageKit 0.1.5

Maintained by Gary Law.


CI Status Version License Platform

LanguageKit is an iOS library for easy switch between different language. It use a CSV file for easy editing and sharing strings.

Work-in-progress, may not work as expected.


  • Strings file based on CSV
  • Programmatically or Storyboard
  • Auto update when switch between UIViewControllers


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


LanguageKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'LanguageKit'

How it works

Prepare strings file

You need a string file in CSV format, like the one below.
A example had included in the example project. (Localizable.csv)

|Key|en|zh-Hant|zh-Hans|ja| | ------------- |-------------| -----| ||English|繁體中文|简体中文|日本語| |button|Button|按鍵|按键|ボタン|

Language key

The locale name (en-US/zh-Hant) does not really matter, just for your own reference. You can have anything including two different versions of en-US.

Word key

It is recommended to use a key for each string, however it's also possible to translate between strings.

Setup with strings file

In your AppDelegate:

	LanguageKit.shared.setup(filename: "Localizable.csv")	//or your own strings file
	LanguageKit.shared.setLanguage(language: "en-US")		//setup language

Get a localized string

To use it:


Switch language

	LanguageKit.shared.setLanguage(language: "ja")

LanguageKit will lookup the string you provided and return the translated version.

Auto translate a string from Storyboard/XIB

If you are using UIViewController or UITableViewController, or inherit from them. a custom IBOutlet - languageComponent is created for you. Just link controls with it and you are good to go.

Supported UIControl:

  • UILabel
  • UIButton
  • UISearchBar (Placeholder)
  • UITextField (Placeholder)
  • UISegmentControl
  • UITabBar
  • UINavigationBar's titleItem

Language System

There are two types of the language system included in the library:

Runtime Language Switcher (Default)

You can switch langauge on the fly, the

System Language Switcher (Required restart)

There are numbers of components in a app that is not runtime changeble (e.g. Default UINavigationController Back button, SafariWebViewController, Permission Dialog etc.)

If you need to localized these, you need to use

	LanguageKit.shared.setLanguage(language: "ja", asSystemLanguage: true)

This will brings up a dialog to notify an app restart.


Gary Law, [email protected], @garyworks


LanguageKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.