JSort 0.6

JSort 0.6

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2016
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Zeke Abuhoff.

JSort 0.6

  • By
  • Ezekiel Abuhoff


JSort is a simple framework for parsing JSON data in Swift.


Pass your data (such as the data you get in an HTTP response) into the initializer for a JSort object.

guard let sortedData = JSort(responseData) else { return }

As long as you pass in data comprising valid json, you’ll get back a JSort object.

Use a type property of your JSort object to cast its contents to the native Swift type you expect.

guard let responseDictionary = sortedData.dictionary else { return }

You can also use subscripts to navigate through the JSON to the level that interests you before casting.

let nestedJSON = sortedData["results"][3]["name"]
guard let name = nestedJSON.string else { return }

And that’s it! No having to fuss with NSJSONSerialization or handle all manner of errors. You just turn your data into JSort and your JSort into a native type.


// This function parses data expected to be a simple dictionary of strings.

func parseDictionary(data: Data) -> [String : String]? {
  guard let sortedData = JSort(data) else { return nil }
  if let sortedDictionary = sortedData.dictionary as? [String : String] {
    return sortedDictionary
  return nil
// This function uses JSort's 'isValid' property to check if JSON data matches the expected structure.

func validateJSON(data: Data) -> Bool {
  guard let _ = JSort(data) else { return false }
  guard validJSON["items"]["businesses"][0]["contact_info"].isValid else { return false }
  guard validJSON["items"]["businesses"][0]["menu"].isValid else { return false }

  return true
// This function relegates all parsing issues to the error-catching system.
// The error type 'APIError' is presumably defined elsewhere.

func arrayFromJSON(data: Data) -> throws [Int] {
  guard let intArray = JSort(data)?.array as? [Int] else { throw APIError.parsing }
  return intArray


MIT License