Insert-DEBUG 1.45.0

Insert-DEBUG 1.45.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Commercial
ReleasedLast Release Mar 2017

Maintained by Avner Barr.

Insert framework iOS SDK Integration

Step 1: Integrate Insert Framework

You have two options to add the insert framework. Via CocoaPods or manually:

Add Insert Framework via CocoaPods

Open your Podfile and add the following lines:

platform:ios, '8.0'
# other pod statements

# Uncomment for Xcode 7.2
# pod 'Insert', '1.x' 
# Uncomment for Xcode 7.3
# pod 'Insert', '1.x.XCode-7.3'

(Note insert only supports iOS 8 or later.)

If your application is written in Swift, you will need to add a “Bridging header” and include the framework header:

 // your bridging header
 ... import statements
 #import <InsertFramework/InsertFramework.h> // import the framework header

Build settings


Build Settings | Build Options:

verify that the flag Embedded Content Contains Swift Code is set to Yes


Build Settings | Build Options:

verify that the flag Enable Bitcode is set to No

Continue to Step 2 below

Manual integration

Download the framework from

Drag InsertFramwork.framework into your project. When prompted, check the option to “Copy items if needed”


Build Phases | Link Binaries With Libraries:

verify that InsertFramework.framework is listed


General | Embedded Binaries:

Press the + sign and add InsertFramework.framework


Build Settings | Build Options:

Set Embedded Content Contains Swift Code to Yes


Build Settings | Build Options:

Verify that the flag Enable Bitcode is set to No


General | Deployment Target:

Verify that your deployment target is set for 8.0 or later

Step 2: Set a URL Scheme


Info | URL Types:

Create a new URL by pressing the + sign

Set URL Schemes according to the scheme in the Insert web app dashboard

Set the url Identifier to any name of your choosing (or leave empty).

Step 3: Initialization Code


In your appDelegate file add:

#import <InsertFramework/InsertFramework.h>

add or modify the function:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {
  if ([[url scheme] containsString:@"insert"]) {
      [[InsertManager sharedManager] initWithUrl:url];
      return YES;
  //  your code here ...
  return YES;

Under didFinishLaunchingWithOptions add the following line of code

[[InsertManager sharedManager] initSDK:@"your app key"
                       companyName:@"your company"];

The Insert Platform allows the addition of screens that show on application start, such as an App Walkthrough insert type. In order to properly show insert-related screens on start, you may need to start certain application functionality only after a successful initialization of the insert SDK. To register for successful completion of insert SDK initialization add the following before the initSDK call:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(didSuccessfullyInitSDK) name:kIIODidSuccessfullyInitializeSDKNotification object:nil];

Then implement the method:

-(void)didSuccessfullyInitSDK {
  // your post initialization code here

In the same way you can register for failed initialization by registering for kIIOErrorInitializeSDKNotification

Swift only

In your AppDelegate file add:

import InsertFramework.InsertManager

add or modify the function,

func application(application: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL,sourceApplication: String?, annotation: AnyObject) -> Bool {
    if url.scheme.rangeOfString("insert") != nil   {
      return true
    // your code here...
    return true

Under the function didFinishLaunchingWithOptions add the following line of code:

InsertManager.sharedManager().initSDK("your app key",companyName:"your company")

The Insert Platform allows the addition of screens that show on application start, such as an App Walkthrough insert type. In order to properly show insert-related screens on start, you may need to start certain application functionality only after a successful initialization of the insert SDK. To register for successful completion of insert SDK initialization add the following before the initSDK call:

NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "didSuccessfullyInitSDK", name: kIIODidSuccessfullyInitializeSDKNotification, object: nil)

Then implement the method:

func didSuccessfullyInitSDK() {
  // your post initialization code here

In the same way you can register for failed initialization by registering for kIIOErrorInitializeSDKNotification

Test your changes

Test using Xcode:

Run the app while attached to Xcode, review the device log and look for the message:

Insert SDK was successfully integrated and connected to the Insert server. You can start adding insert to your app in the Insert’s web site.

Test using the Insert Manager web application:

Log into your Insert account. Under My Apps, you should verify that the Number of app versions has changed from 0 to 1 (or greater).


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