InMoment 2.7.0

InMoment 2.7.0

License Unknown
ReleasedLast Release Sep 2020

Maintained by InMoment, Inc., David Hainish.

InMoment 2.7.0

  • By
  • InMoment, Inc.

InMoment iOS SDK

CocoaPods CocoaPods Carthage compatible CocoaPods

InMoment is a simple framework giving client developers the ability to launch and interact with InMoment web surveys.


presentsurvey_fl completionpoint_fl lastpage_fl

System Requirements

  • Xcode 9.3 and Swift 4.1. Apps that include this framework may not build properly if newer or older versions of Xcode or Swift are used. If you need to target Swift 4.0.2, please use one of our 1.2.1.x releases. If you need to target Swift 4.0, please use one of our 1.2.0.x releases. If you need to target Swift 3.1, please use one of our 1.1.x releases. If you need to target Swift 3.0, please use one of our 1.0.x releases. If you need to target Swift 2.2, please use one of our 0.4.x releases.
  • Apps must require iOS 8.0 or later.


CocoaPods (Recommended)

  1. Add the appropriate entries to your application's Info.plist (see "Privacy").
  2. Add the following to your Podfile:
pod 'InMoment'
  1. Run pod install.


  1. Add the following to your Cartfile:
github 'InMoment/inmoment-sdk-ios'
  1. Run carthage bootstrap or carthage update.
  2. On your app target's General settings tab, drag InMoment.framework from the Carthage/Build folder into the Embedded binaries section.
  3. On your app target's Build Phases settings tab, click the + icon and choose New Run Script Phase. Create a Run Script in which your specify your shell (ex: bin/sh), and add the following contents to the script area below the shell:
/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks

and add the following line under Input Files:


This script works around an App Store submission bug triggered by universal binaries and ensures that necessary bitcode-related files and dSYMs are copied when archiving.

  1. Don't forget to add the appropriate entries to your Info.plist (see "Privacy").

Manual Installation

See our manual installation guide.


To use this library, a valid survey gateway must first be obtained from your InMoment Client Success Manager (CSM) or Technical Success Manager (TSM). The following sections provide instructions to initialize the SDK and to present surveys. Useful tools for recording survey completion and error handling will also be discussed.

Present a Survey

Calling the following method of the InMoment class will present a survey.

InMoment.presentSurvey(context: self, gateway: "MyGateway", parameters: ["Key":"Value"])

Calling this method presents a survey modally using the given style.

  • context (required): An instance of UIViewController. This view controller will act as a host for the survey view controller.
  • gateway (required): A valid InMoment web survey gateway. Ask your CSM or TSM for details.
  • parameters (optional): A dictionary of strings corresponding to any survey URL parameters.
  • style (optional): An object of type SurveyStyle.

Using a SurveyListener

If desired, the SDK may be initialized with an instance of SurveyListener. Typically this is done by the AppDelegate, but can be done anywhere as long as it takes place before any calls to presentSurvey.

To initialize the SDK, make the following modifications to your application's AppDelegate:

import InMoment

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, SurveyListener {

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        InMoment.initialize(surveyListener: self)
        return true

    func onReceivedError(_ survey: Survey, error: NSError) {
        //Insert your own code here. This method is optional.

    func onArrivedAtLastPage(_ survey: Survey) {
        //Insert your own code here. This method is optional.

    func onPassedCompletionPoint(_ survey: Survey) {
        //Insert your own code here. This method is optional.


Useful Tools

The following sections discuss some useful tools for manipulating and gleaning information from surveys.

Record Survey Completion

There are two ways to record survey completion: once the user passes the completion point of the survey, and once the user arrives on the last page of the survey. The former is appropriate for determining when the survey response is considered "complete" according to the InMoment platform and will be available in reports. The latter is more appropriate for determining when no other survey pages exist, and for recording information like the survey's redemption code.

After Passing the Completion Point:

This method is called when the user arrives at the page immediately following the survey completion point. Once this happens, the survey response will be available in InMoment reports and in Hub 2.0™, (even if the user doesn't continue until the very last page of the survey). Implement this method in your application's SurveyListener to perform actions such as recording that the user has finished taking the survey or giving the user a reward.

Example usage:

func onPassedCompletionPoint(_ survey: Survey) {
    myUsersAwesomeRewardPoints.increment(by: 100)
Upon Arrival on Last Page:

This method is called when the user arrives at the last page of the survey. Implement this method in your application's SurveyListener to perform actions such as recording the redemption and finally dismissing the survey.

Example usage:

func onArrivedAtLastPage(_ survey: Survey) {
    var redemptionCode = survey.getRedemptionCode() redemptionCode)
        .setTitle("Thank you!")
        .setMessage("Your feedback has been recorded")
        .addButton("OK", preferred: true, onClick: { survey.dismiss() })

Handle Errors

This method is called when an error occurs while loading or during the survey. Implement this method in your application's SurveyListener to perform actions such as attempting to restart the survey or logging the error and finally dismissing the survey.


func onReceivedError(_ survey: Survey, error: NSError) {
    NSLog(error.localizedFailureReason ?? "")
    NSLog(error.localizedRecoverySuggestion ?? "")
        .setMessage("Something went wrong!")
        .addButton("Try again", onClick: { survey.startOver() })
        .addButton("Cancel", style: .destructive, preferred: true, onClick: { survey.dismiss() })

Customize the Survey's Appearance

Passing an instance of SurveyStyle to InMoment.presentSurvey() will apply the desired stylistic effects to the survey view controller's navigation bar and progress bar.

public class SurveyStyle {
    public var modalPresentationStyle: UIModalPresentationStyle = .pageSheet
    public var navigationBarStyle: UIBarStyle = .default
    public var navigationBarTintColor: UIColor? = nil
    public var navigationBarTextColor: UIColor? = UIColor.darkText
    public var progressBarColor: UIColor? = InMomentGreenColor
    public var loadingViewStyle: LoadingViewStyle = .lightGray


If a survey has a video feedback prompt, the survey will attempt to access the device's camera, microphone, and/or photo library. The SDK does not know if a survey has a video feedback prompt at compile-time; therefore, the following entries must be added to the application's Info.plist:

  • NSCameraUsageDescription (Privacy - Camera Usage Description)
  • NSMicrophoneUsageDescription (Privacy - Microphone Usage Description)
  • NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription (Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description)

Failure to add these entries to the application's Info.plist will result in the app being rejected during App Store submission.