IBMTealeafReactNative 10.5.3

IBMTealeafReactNative 10.5.3

Maintained by Omar Hernandez, Chang Jie Yang.

  • By
  • IBM


IBM Tealeaf is a customer behavioral analytics SDK as documented here

Getting Started


You need to have recent cocoapods version installed on your Mac OS. Current version is 1.6.1. Please refer to cocoapods website for the details.

For SDK prerequisites and documentation, please refer to the SDK documentation here


Add following lines at the begining of your Podfile

Set platform as iOS 9

platform :ios, '9.0'

Uncomment use_frameworks


In the respective targets for your project in the Podfile add the following line if you want to use IBM Tealeaf SDK's release version which needs to be used in your production version of your application.

pod 'IBMTealeaf'

In the respective targets for your project in the Podfile add the following line if you want to use IBM Tealeaf SDK's release version with version number. Otherwise you will get the beta version that might new feature or fixes which have not been full tested or approved.

pod 'IBMTealeafDebug'

Remember you can use only one of pod 'IBMTealeaf' and pod 'IBMTealeafDebug'. Do not use both at the same time.


If you are using Debug version of IBM Tealeaf SDK. i.e. pod 'IBMTealeafDebug' , then you may edit your project's scheme in XCode and add environmental variable EODebugand set its value to 1; also add environmental variable TLF_DEBUG and set its value to 1. This will make the SDK to start writing debug logs to your xcode console window. If and when you want to report issues, the Tealeaf support engineers will ask you for these logs.


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