HRDate 0.1.1

HRDate 0.1.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jul 2016

Maintained by Ivan Shevelev.

HRDate 0.1.1

Forget about NSDateFormatter, NSDateComponents, NSTimeZone brainf%ck for get simple data from NSDate. HRDate is a simple API for NSDate!


Constants(like a seconds in hour):

extern NSUInteger const HRDateHoursInDay;
extern NSUInteger const HRDateMinutesInHour;
extern NSUInteger const HRDateMinutesInDay;
extern NSUInteger const HRDateSecondsInMinute;
extern NSUInteger const HRDateSecondsInHour;
extern NSUInteger const HRDateSecondsInDay;

Date Comparing:

-(BOOL)hrIsEqualToDateIgnoringTime:(nonnull NSDate *)date;




Get ALL! date components from date:

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger hrEra;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger hrDay;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger hrMonth;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger hrYear;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger hrHour;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger hrMinute;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger hrSecond;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger hrWeekday;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger hrWeekdayOrdinal;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger hrWeekOfMonth;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger hrWeekOfYear;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger hrYearForWeekOfYear;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger hrNanosecond;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nonnull) NSTimeZone *hrTimeZone;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nonnull) NSCalendar *hrCalendar;

A lot of NSDate new factory methods:

-(nonnull NSDate *)hrDateAfterDays:(NSInteger)days;

-(nonnull NSDate *)hrDateAfterHours:(NSInteger)hours;

+(nonnull NSDate *)hrYesterday;

+(nonnull NSDate *)hrTomorrow;

+(nullable NSDate *)hrDateFromString:(nonnull NSString *)string withDateFormat:(nonnull NSString *)dateFormat;

+(nullable NSDate *)hrDateFromString:(nonnull NSString *)string withDateStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)dateStyle andTimeStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)timeStyle;

//this method is awesome!
+(nullable NSDate *)hrDateWithHour:(NSUInteger)hour minute:(NSUInteger)minute second:(NSUInteger)second day:(NSUInteger)day month:(NSUInteger)month andYear:(NSUInteger)year;

//this method is awesome!
+(nullable NSDate *)hrDateWithDay:(NSUInteger)day month:(NSUInteger)month andYear:(NSUInteger)year;

+(nullable NSDate *)hrDateWithHourDifference:(NSInteger)hourDifference;

And date strings ofc:

-(nullable NSString *)hrDateStringWithDateFormat:(nonnull NSString *)dateFormat;

-(nonnull NSString *)hrDateStringWithDateStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)dateStyle andTimeStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)timeStyle;

For NSDateFormatter, NSTimeZone, NSDateComponents and NSCalendar features, see documentation.


iOS 8.0 or higher.


HRDate is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "HRDate"


Ivan Shevelev, [email protected]


HRDate is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.