HLTabPagerViewController 0.1.1

HLTabPagerViewController 0.1.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jun 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by PandaApe.

  • By
  • PandaApe


Animated gif


CocoaPods (recommended) Add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'HLTabPagerViewController', '~> 0.1.0'

And then add import HLTabPagerViewController to your view controller.


To use it, you should create a view controller that extends HLTabPagerViewController. Write your viewDidLoad as follows:

override func viewDidLoad() {

self.dataSource = self
self.delegate    = self


Then, implement the HLTabPagerDataSource to populate the view. The data source has a couple of required methods, and a few more optional.

Data Source

The data source methods will allow you to provide content to your tab pager view controller.

Required Methods

func numberOfViewControllers() -> Int

func viewController(forIndex index: Int) -> UIViewController

Optional Methods

Note that despite being optional, the tab setup will require you to return either a UIView or an String to work.

optional func viewForTab(atIndex index: Int) -> UIView
optional func titleForTab(atIndex index: Int) -> String
optional func tabHeight() -> CGFloat
optional func tabColor() -> UIColor
optional func tabBackgroundColor() -> UIColor
optional func titleFont() -> UIFont
optional func titleColor() -> UIColor
optional func bottomLineHeight() -> CGFloat


The delegate methods report events that happened in the tab pager view controller.

Optional Methods

optional func tabPager(_ tabPager: HLTabPagerViewController, willTransitionToTab atIndex: Int)
optional func tabPager(_ tabPager: HLTabPagerViewController, didTransitionToTab atIndex: Int)


There are two public methods:

open func reloadData()
open func selectTabbar(atIndex index: Int, animation: Bool = false) 

reloadData will refresh the content of the tab pager view controller. Make sure to provide the data source before reloading the content.

selectTabbar will return the index of the current selected tab.

And these public properties:

open weak var dataSource: HLTabPagerDataSource?
open weak var delegate: HLTabPagerDelegate?
open var selectedIndex = 0