GetSimpl-iOS7 1.3.1

GetSimpl-iOS7 1.3.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Commercial
ReleasedLast Release May 2016

Maintained by Alok Jha.

  • By
  • Alok Jha


How to install

iOS Integration

  • Target -> Build Settings -> ENABLE_BITCODE -> Mark it as NO.
  • Add the following to your Info.plist file:
        // smp + YourMerchantID, like; smp55d72761ec60ytbnk97414182
  • For iOS 9 also add the following to your Info.plist file :
  • In you AppDelegate add the following lines:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication     annotation: (id)annotation
    { if ([[GSCallBackHandler sharedInstance] canHandleURL:url]) {
      return [[GSCallBackHandler sharedInstance] application:application openURL:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication      annotation:annotation] ;

  return YES;
  • Developers can toggle between sandbox or production environment like below :
[GSManager enableSandBoxEnvironment:YES]

How to use

  • Import the Library :
#import "GetSimpl-iOS7/GetSimpl.h"
  • Initialise the SDK with your merchantID, typically in your applications didFinishLaunchingOptions method:
[GSManager initializeWithMerchantID@:@"Your merchant id"];
  • Check if user is pre-approved:
GSUser *user = [[GSUser alloc] initWithPhoneNumber:@"user mobile number" email:@"user email"];
[[GSManager sharedManager] checkApprovalForUser:user onCompletion:^(BOOL approved, BOOL isFirstTransactionOfUser,  NSString *buttonText ,NSError *error) {
  Bool approved : If GSUser is pre-approved or not
  Bool isFirstTransactionOfUser : If user has already done transactions previously or not
  String/NSString buttonText : The text to display on Simpl button. If GSUser is pre-approved,this will contain a value specific to merchant with default value of "Buy Now, Pay Later". Will be nil if GSUser is not pre-approved.
  NSError error : Error if any

If the user is approved and merchant should show Simpl button and if the user is not an approved user,do not show the Simpl button.

  • Realtime approval : For some merchants who prefer to not share data upfront but willing to approve users in realtime by sharing data before transaction may use the approval call like below :
GSUser *user = [[GSUser alloc] initWithHashedPhoneNumber:@"hashed value of user phone number"];
user.extraParams = @{@"wallet_balance_in_paise" : @30000,@"transaction_amount_in_paise" : @20000};
[[GSManager sharedManager] checkApprovalForUser:user onCompletion:^(BOOL approved, BOOL isFirstTransactionOfUser,  NSString *buttonText ,NSError *error) {
extraParams ->  Extra properties of GSUser to be set as Key-Value pairs.Example of some keys are transaction_amount_in_paise, wallet_balance_in_paise,failed_transaction_bank_name,user_location,theatre_location,member_since, signed_in , etc.
This property has been provided so that merchants can provide additional parameters for real-time approval without upgrading the SDK.

If merchant is using hashedPhoneNumber to check for pre-approval then the above keys will be used for realtime approval of users provided merchant has realtime configuration enabled on server side.

  • For Simpl button , merchants can use GSButton class given by SDK which can be customized through following properties:

/// Button background color. Defaults to Simpl branding color
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *buttonColor;

/// Button border color. Defaults to Black Color with 10% alpha
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *buttonBorderColor;

/// Title text of button. Defaults to "Buy Now, Pay Later"
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *titleText;

/// Title Color of Button. Defaults to White color
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *titleColor;

/// Font of button
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *titleFont;

/// Text color of "Powered by Simpl" text. Defaults to R94 G107 B125 A1
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *poweredByTextColor;

/// Separator line color. Defaults to Black Color with 8% alpha
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *separatorColor;

  • On clicking Simpl button, call the following method to start the transaction. This will open an OTP view for the user to enter . In the completion block transaction_token will be returned.
   GSUser *user = [[GSUser alloc] initWithPhoneNumber:@"user mobile number" email:@"user email"];
   GSTransaction *transaction = [[GSTransaction alloc] initWithUser:user amountInPaise:500];
[ [GSManager sharedManager]  authorizeTransaction:transaction onCompletion:^(NSDictionary * jsonResponse, NSError *  error) {

Phone number of GSUser must be set before making authorizeTransaction call. Once you have the transaction_token, pass it over to your server which in turn can pass the transaction details to Simpl.