GTAlertBar 1.0.2

GTAlertBar 1.0.2

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Aug 2016
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Ian Spence.


A no-nonsense manager for showing alert bars on iOS apps.

Are you tired of dealing with terrible alert bar managers that lock you into fixed colors, don’t let you change images, or ever let you dismiss the bars progmatically?

Not anymore you’re not! Because now you’ve found GTAlertBar, which if I might say so myself, is just simply the best alert bar manager on the market.

Using it

Install it

Installation is easy! Insert disk 1 out of 15 and ensure you have your SoundBlaster audio device configured.

Pop this sucker into your Podfile:

target 'YourSlickApp' do

    pod 'GTAlertBar'

Configure it

GTAlertBar is designed to be very customizable to suite all your alert bar needs!

All configuration options are kept neatly inside of the GTAlertBarOptions class.

For full configuration documentation see the Configuration wiki page

Specify a background color

let options = GTAlertBarOptions()
options.colors.background = UIColor.redColor()

Include an optional image

let options = GTAlertBarOptions()
options.image = UIImage(named: "myImage.png")

Optionally, use the included images

let options = GTAlertBarOptions()
options.image = GTAlertBarImage.exclamation
options.image =
options.image = GTAlertBarImage.caution
options.image = GTAlertBarImage.check

Show it

    title: "Alert Title",
    body: "Optional alert body",
    options: options)

Hide it

let bar = GTAlerBar.barAttachedToView...