FyberAdMob 1.0.2

FyberAdMob 1.0.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Custom
ReleasedLast Release May 2016

Maintained by Marek Hac, Maciej Czapnik, Damian Rzeszot.

Depends on:
FyberSDK= 8.2.1
Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK~> 7.7.0

Fyber - AdMob Mediation

For the integration instructions, please read the included .pdf file.

This download contains the Fyber-Admob adapter, the Fyber SDK and a sample project, and it's organized in the following folders:


The mediation adapter.

Note: The Admob callback "rewardBasedVideoAdWillLeaveApplication" is not called when using Fyber as an ad partner.


The FyberSDK 8.2.1, which is fully tested and work properly with current version of FyberAdMob mediation adapter

Note: It's highly recommended to use FyberSDK in version 8.2.1, but if you need to update the FyberSDK, please keep in mind that the current version of FyberAdMob mediation adapter require a specific version of FyberSDK. So any other versions of the FyberSDK (other than 8.2.x) will just not work.  


Note: Test application does not come with Google Mobile Ads SDK included. In order to run the app you will need to download the latest Google Mobile Ads SDK and include it in the Xcode project. You can also use Cocoa pods to download missing Google Mobile Ads SDK. A proper Podfile is already created and added to the project folder for you.