FlurrySDK 6.7.1-beta1

FlurrySDK 6.7.1-beta1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Commercial
ReleasedLast Release Sep 2015

Maintained by Brian Michel, Brian Michel, David Grandinetti (Yahoo!), Nano.

FlurrySDK 6.7.1-beta1

  • By
  • Flurry


Latest Flurry SDK

To use 6.4.0 FlurrySDK from cocoapods, add this line in your Pods file:

  pod 'FlurrySDK', '6.4'

If you also want the FlurryAds SDK, you can define pods to install both subspecs:

  pod 'FlurrySDK/FlurrySDK', '6.4'
  pod 'FlurrySDK/FlurryAds', '6.4'

If you want to use FlurrySDK for Apple Watch Extension:

target :"Your Apple Watch Extension Target" do 
   pod 'FlurrySDK/FlurryWatchSDK', '6.4'

Don't forget to read how to track events correctly in Apple Watch Extensions in FlurryiOSAnalyticsREADMExx.pdf