FiveUIUtils 1.0.0

FiveUIUtils 1.0.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jan 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Niko Mikulicic.

  • By
  • iOS libraries team



This bundle contains Swift UI utility functions we tend to re-use on many of our projects (us being Five Agency’s iOS Team). We expect there’ll be many more added, but in the mean time, you’re free to use/re-use/upgrade all of the existing code here. Everything and anything regarding helper functions, image manipulations, paging, layouting and other nice to have snippets.


  • Xcode 8.0+
  • Swift 3.0
  • iOS 8.0+


There are no additional dependencies.

Currently supported installation options:

Manually using git submodules

  • Add FiveUIUtils as a submodule
$ git submodule add
  • Drag FiveUIUtils.xcodeproj into Project Navigator.

  • Go to Project > Targets > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries, click + and select FiveUIUtils.framework target.


To run the example project do the following.

  • Clone the repo by typing:
  • Open FiveUIUtils.xcworkspace, choose Example scheme and hit run. This method will build everything and run the sample app.


DeviceInfo module

 Screen size category this device falls into.

public static var sizeCategory: ScreenSizeCategory

Example usage:

// on iPhone6
DeviceInfo.sizeCategory // iPhone47in
 Returns true if this device has the screen size less than or equal to given size category.

public static func hasScreenSizeLessOrEqual(to size: ScreenSizeCategory) -> Bool

Example usage:

// on iPhone6
DeviceInfo.hasScreenSizeLessOrEqual(to: .iPhone47in) // true

UIImage+Five module

 Re-colors an image with respect to transparency.

public func changeColor(to color: UIColor) -> UIImage

Example usage:

let image = UIImage(named: "original")
let color = UIColor(red: 0 / 255.0, 
                    green: 254 / 255.0, 
                    blue: 248 / 255.0, 
                    alpha: 1.0)
let recoloredImage = image.changeColor(to: color)
 Translates an image by given amount.

public func translate(by point: CGPoint) -> UIImage

Example usage:

let point = CGPoint(x: -40, y: 0)
let translatedImage = image.translate(by: point)
 Rotates an image by given angle in degrees.

public func rotate(by degrees: CGFloat) -> UIImage

Example usage:

let rotatedImage = image.rotate(by: 30)
 Resizes an image to given size.

public func resize(to size: CGSize) -> UIImage

Example usage:

let newSize = CGSize(width: 0.4 * image.size.width, 
                     height: 0.4 * image.size.height)
let resizedImage = image.resize(to: newSize)
 Crops image with rectangle of given size at given position.

public func crop(at point: CGPoint, size: CGSize) -> UIImage

Example usage:

let center = CGPoint(x: image.size.width/2, 
                     y: image.size.height/2)
let croppedImage = image.crop(at: center, size: newSize)
 Color of a single image pixel at normalized coordinates. Lower left corner of the image is at (0,0).

public func pixelColor(at normalizedCoordinates: CGPoint) -> UIColor

Example usage:

let sample = image.pixelColor(at: CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5))
let sampledImage = UIImage(color: sample)

ScrollViewPager module

 Calculates content offset for the given page in enclosing scroll view.

public func contentOffset(forPageAtIndex index: Int) -> CGPoint

Example usage:

let pager = ScrollViewPager(scrollAxis: .horizontal,
                            contentInset: 5,
                            pageLength: 13,
                            pageSpacing: 2)

pager.contentOffset(forPageAtIndex: 0)  // (-5, 0)
pager.contentOffset(forPageAtIndex: 1)  // (10, 0)

 Calculates the index of a page at specified point in enclosing scroll view.

public func pageIndex(forContentOffset contentOffset: CGPoint) -> Int

Example usage:

// halfway point between pages 0 and 1 is (2.5, 0)
pager.pageIndex(forContentOffset: CGPoint(x: 2.4, y: 0)) // 0
pager.pageIndex(forContentOffset: CGPoint(x: 2.6, y: 0)) // 1
 Calculates content offset for the target page on which the scrolling should stop.

public func snapContentOffset(_ contentOffset: CGPoint, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, sensitivity: CGFloat) -> CGPoint

Example usage:

pager.snapContentOffset(CGPoint(x: 1.4, y: 0),
                        withVelocity: CGPoint(x: 1, y: 0),
                        sensitivity: 1) // (-5, 0)
pager.snapContentOffset(CGPoint(x: 1.6, y: 0),
                        withVelocity: CGPoint(x: 1, y: 0),
                        sensitivity: 1) // (10, 0)
 Distance between the page and the given content offset in scroll view.

public func distance(fromPageAtIndex index: Int, toContentOffset offset: CGPoint) -> CGFloat

Example usage:

pager.distance(fromPageAtIndex: 0,
               toContentOffset: CGPoint(x: 2.4, y: 0)) // 7.4
 Normalized distance between the page and the given content offset in scroll view. Content offsets of two adjacent pages have normalized distance equal to 1.

public func normalizedDistance(fromPageAtIndex index: Int, toContentOffset offset: CGPoint) -> CGFloat

Example usage:

pager.normalizedDistance(fromPageAtIndex: 0,
                         toContentOffset: CGPoint(x: 2.4, y: 0)) // 0.49333

KeyboardLayoutAdapter module

 - parameter bottomConstraint: Constraint to modify in order to fit in the keyboard.
 - parameter view: View which contains `bottomConstraint`.
 - parameter targetConstant: The value of `bottomConstraint` constant when keyboard is raised.

public init(withBottomConstraint bottomConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint, inView view: UIView, targetConstant: CGFloat)

Example usage:

// inside view controller
@IBOutlet weak var bottomConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
private var keyboardLayoutAdapter: KeyboardLayoutAdapter!

override func viewDidLoad() {
    keyboardLayoutAdapter = KeyboardLayoutAdapter(
        withBottomConstraint: bottomConstraint,
        inView: view,
        targetConstant: 20)

NetworkActivityController module

 The number of active tasks.

public var taskCount: Int

 Turns network activity indicator on if it wasn't previously activated.

public func startActivity()

 Turns network activity indicator off only if there aren't any currently active tasks.

public func endActivity()

Example usage:

NetworkActivityController.shared.tasks // 0
NetworkActivityController.shared.tasks // 1
NetworkActivityController.shared.tasks // 0


Five UI Utils library team (listed alphabetically)

  • Ivan Vranjić

  • Kristijan Rožanković

  • Miran Brajsa

  • Niko Mikuličić


FiveUIUtils is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.