Finite 3.1.1

Finite 3.1.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jan 2019
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Valentin Knabel.

Finite 3.1.1

CocoaPods CocoaPods Install License


Finite is a simple, pure Swift finite state machine. Only exlicitly allowed transitions between states are allowed, otherwise an error will be thrown.

Finite Swift
2.0.0 2.2 and 3.0 Beta
3.x.x 3.0 and 4.0


Finite has no external dependencies and supports Swift Package Manager, Carthage and CocoaPods.

Swift Package Manager

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "YourPackage",
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 3)


github "vknabel/Finite"


source ''

pod 'Finite'


It operates on a given type, where each value represents an internal state of the machine. A StateMachine is defined by providing all allowed state transitions.

enum Test: Int {
    case saving, fetching, deleting
    case ready, fail

var machine = StateMachine<Test>(initial: .ready) { c in
    c.allow(from: [.saving, .fetching, .deleting], to: [.ready, .fail])
    c.allow(from: .ready, to: [.saving, .fetching, .deleting])

It is possible to provide callbacks, that will be called once certain transitions will happen.

machine.onTransitions(from: .ready) {
    println("From Ready: show activity indicator")
machine.onTransitions(to: .ready) {
    println("To Ready: hide activity indicator")
machine.onTransitions(to: .saving) {
    println("To: save")

Once the StateMachine has been set up, you may trigger all transitions you have declared above.

try machine.transition(to: .saving) {
    println("Triggered: save")

// this will throw an error
try machine.transition(to: .fetching)


Valentin Knabel, [email protected]

Special thanks to @snofla for allowing to export state machines to graphviz.


Finite is available under the MIT license.