Fenrir 0.0.5

Fenrir 0.0.5

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by BrunoRocha.

Fenrir 0.0.5

  • By
  • Bruno Rocha


Fenrir is an Analytics companion that automatically (or manually) tracks your app and generates events whenever it’s buttons/cells/gestured views are touched - including time and name of the screen it happened, with minimal setup. Ideally, you should be using it alongside a system that can parse it’s data into usage graphs.

To use Fenrir, tag your views with the .fenrirTag property:

let button = UIButton()
button.fenrirTag = "subscriptionButton"

and start it at your AppDelegate:

Fenrir.instance.isTracking = true
Fenrir.instance.debugMode = true //Prints logs
Fenrir.instance.stackAmount = 3 //Optional - Amount of events to stack before firing the handler. Default is 1. You can set nil to only send events after the app goes into background.
Fenrir.instance.eventHandler = { event in
//Send the event to your analytics providers, like Google Analytics

If you’re using a custom stackAmount and not going to use automatic mode, add these calls as well:

func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) {

func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) {

Manual Tracking: Touch

Send manual events to Fenrir by calling:

Fenrir.instance.register(touchOn: someObject)

register() accepts a FenrirTrackeable object. By default, every UIView and it’s subclasses implement this protocol, but if for some reason you want to track something that is not touchable, you can add this protocol to your it and then manually call this method. Alternatively, you can call it directly with a tag:

Fenrir.instance.register(touchWithTag: "aButton")

Manual Tracking : Flow

To generate detailed events, you can also manually track your app’s flow in order to Fenrir to be able to be to tell where a certain action happened. For example, here we’re tracking a View Controller:

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

This will add self’s Class’s name as an event parameter.

Automatic Tracking

Fenrir can swizzle every revelant call from your app in order to do all the tracking for you, without you having to call the register(), registerFlow() and dispatchEventsIfNeeded() methods. Although this sounds really cool, it’s currently very error prone and can cause nasty, untraceable side-effects to your app. Consider using it only when you’re sure your app is working as intended.

You can enable automatic tracking by adding a fenrirAutoMode boolean at your Info.plist:

Automatic Tracking requirements

To use automatic tracking at it’s maximum potential, a few changes might need to be done.

UITableViewDelegates: To track cell touches automatically, overrides of tableView(_:didSelectRowAt:) must call super.tableView(_:didSelectRowAt:). This is because Fenrir swizzles only the original call.

Navigation Buttons: Although no changes are needed in order to detect the touches, you might want to init your UIBarButtonItems with the customView: initializer. Since you can’t access it’s internal button, this is the only way of putting a fenrirTag inside a navigation button in Fenrir’s automatic mode.

Flow Tracking: Like UITableViewDelegates, overrides of viewDidAppear(_:) must call super.viewDidAppear(_:), as the swizzle happens at the original UIViewController.


Using CocoaPods:

pod 'Fenrir'


Fenrir is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.