Features 0.0.1

Features 0.0.1

Maintained by Héctor Marqués.

Features 0.0.1


This library aims to collect properties and methods that appear in the types of the Swift Standard Library with a frequency greater than one.

For each one of those common features, a protocol is defined. That protocol is conformed by all the classes, structs and enums that contained the original property or method.

See, for instance, how a protocol for the isASCII property could be defined:

public protocol MaybeAscii {
    public var isASCII: Bool { get }

extension Character: MaybeAscii {}
extension StaticString: MaybeAscii {}
extension Unicode.Scalar: MaybeAscii {}


In order to make the development, maintenance and testing of this library scalable, automatic processes of analysis and code generation need to be implemented.

Some prototyping has been made using swift-sourcerer and GYB. But the tools necessary to carry out the automation are still in a planning phase.


Features is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.