DeclarativeLayoutKit 3.0.3

DeclarativeLayoutKit 3.0.3

Maintained by Ernest0N.

  • By
  • Ernest


A simple and small framework of tools for fast and declarative UI layout.

Note: it is powered by SnapKit!

πŸš€ Fast view configuration using property chains
☺️ Easily layout using simplest DSL based and mixed with SnapKit DSL
🎁 Extra feature – stacking views layout like UIStackView, but more flexible
🌈 Reusable and mixable view styling



  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 10.0+
  • Swift 5.0+


πŸš€ Property chaining

Absolutely all mutable properties are represented in the function using code generation powered by Sourcery.

let myLabel = UILabel()
    .text("Hello buddy")

Currently, property chaining is supported in the following types: UIView, UIControl, UILabel, UIImageView, UIScrollView, UITextView, UITableView, UICollectionView, UITextField, UIButton, UISlider, UISwitch, UIStackView.

You can also easily generate functions for other types – see how

πŸ˜‹ And some extra syntactic sugar:

Assignable to variable:

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    weak var myLabel: UILabel!

    override func loadView() {
                // sets a reference of object that calls function(in this case, created UILabel instance) to passed variable
                .assign(to: &myLabel)

Closure based actions and gestures:

    .addAction(for: .valueChanged, { print("value changed") })

    .title("Tap me")
    .onTap({ print("didTap") })

    .onTapGesture({ print("Kek") })
    .onLongTapGesture({ print("Cheburek") })

// ⚠️ Don't forget about ARC when use some parent view in action closure, to prevent retain cycle

Simple UIStackView helpers:

  • HStackView - UIStackView().axis(.horizontal)
  • VStackView - UIStackView().axis(.vertical)

Declarative anchor builder

You can set constraints using the same anchor-style. The return type will be AnchorLayoutBuilder – a simple container that stores declared anchor's constants. To apply them, just call build() function.

let myLabel = UILabel()
    .numberOfLines(0) // -> UIView
    .heightAnchor(0) // -> AnchorLayoutBuilder (same below)
    .build() // -> UIView (with applyed constraints)

The frameworks allows two ways to set constants:

let myLabel = UILabel()
  • own DSL powered by AnchorLayoutBuilderConstraint

It has the following template:

If specify only inset it will be applied to the superview:


If you want to change сomparison type (less/greater or equal) add .orLess or .orGreater suffix after inset


⚠️ Default priority of AnchorLayoutBuilderConstraint is 999! It was decided to do so to ensure that the constraints in the case when its could not be applyed, in the future, when updating layout, constraints are automatically re-activated

Full list of anchors functions:

width/height/left/right/top/bottom/centerX/centerYAnchor - completely equal to NSLayoutConstraint anchors

sizeAnchor(CGSize) == widthAcnhor + heightAnchor

aspectRatioAnchor(multiplier:) == height / width

horizontalAnchor == leftAnchor + rightAnchor

verticalAnchor == topAnchor + bottomAnchor

centerAnchor == centerXAnchor + centerYAnchor

edgeAnchors(insets: UIEdgeInsets, to target: SnapKit.ConstraintRelatableTarget?) - stretches all the edges to target. The default target is nil, which is equivalent to superview.

View/Builder Composition

You can also add views builders to the superview builder like this:

weak var avatarView: UIImageView!
let profileView = UIView()
            .assign(to: &avatarView)
            .sizeAnchor(CGSize(width: 40, height: 40))

    // current view is build first, and then it's subviews

Or using a convenient initializer

let profileView = UIView({
        .assign(to: &avatarView)
        .sizeAnchor(CGSize(width: 40, height: 40))

// current view is build first, and then it's subviews

Note: if you add builders to a UIView (i.e. don't use anchor-chaining before call add(...)), building will occur immediately after adding in superview. In other words, the return type of the build() function will be Self (i.e. UIView)

let profileView = UIView()
            .assign(to: &avatarView)
            .sizeAnchor(CGSize(width: 40, height: 40))
    }) // -> UIView (with already added subviews)
    // and you can continue chainable-configuration (for example by specifying own anchors)
    .heightAnchor(100) // -> AnchorLayoutBuilder
    .build() // -> UIView

🎁 Bonus! Declarative stack builder

Sometimes UIStackView features are not enough for more flexible stacking of views with an individual distribution.

The StackingLayoutBuilder will help you solve this problem!

let profileView = HStack {
        .assign(to: &avatarView)
        .sizeAnchor(CGSize(width: 40, height: 40))
        .leftSpace(12) // πŸ‘€
        .verticalAlignment(.center) // πŸ‘€

        .leftSpace(8) // πŸ‘€
        .rightSpace(0) // πŸ‘€

HStack and VStack is a function that collects views (or AnchorLayoutBuilder) and stack them to each other using AutoLayout Constants and return resulting UIView.

You can specify:

left/rightSpace(in HStack), top/bottomSpace(in VStack) - before and after space of arranged view.

verticalAlignment(in HStack), horizontalAlignment(in VStack) - arranged view distribution in transverse axis.

Alignment type can be:

  • .center - centered on transverse axis.

  • .fill(sideInset: AnchorLayoutBuilderConstraint = 0) - stretched along transverse axis.

  • HStack (similarly in VStack):

    • .custom(top: bottom:) - custom top and bottom inset (i.e. AnchorLayoutBuilderConstraint)
    • .bottom(...) - set only bottom inset.
    • .top(..) - - set only top inset.

You can continue to use anchor-chaining to add additional constraints, but only before specifying .space() and .alignment() attributes!

🌈 Declarative View Styling

You no longer need to create many style-different subclasses of your view and dive into a complex inheritance hierarchy.

DeclarativeLayoutKit offers a simple closure-based solution for defining styles with the ability to combine them:

    .title("Tap me")
    .set(style: .touchHiglighting(color: .blue), .primaryRounded())
    .onTap({ ... })

Just create new ViewStyle<Target> in ViewStyle extension like static factory:

extension ViewStyle {
    /// Generic definition is required to be able to support view subclass types
    static func primaryRounded<T: UIView>() -> ViewStyle<T> {
        ViewStyle<T>({ view in

    static func touchHiglighting<T: UIButton>(color: UIColor) -> ViewStyle<T> {
        ViewStyle<T> { button in ... }
About ViewStyle

The ViewStyle is just a wrapper over closure. There's nothing ingenious about it πŸ€—

public final class ViewStyle<Target: ViewStyleCompatible> {
    private let handler: (Target) -> ()

    public init(_ handler: @escaping (Target) -> ()) {
        self.handler = handler

    func apply(into target: Target) {

πŸ”₯ All together

And finally, a full-fledged example of using the framework for layout of restaurant previews



🧩 How to extend functionality?

Add property chaining to another type:
  • First way - write type extension with function that return self:
extension MyCustomView {
    func myProperty(_ value: ValueType) -> Self {
        self.myProperty = value
        return self
Extend AnchorLayoutBuilder:

Just add extension to AnchorLayoutBuilderConvertible type and using SnapKit DSL write your own helper:

extension AnchorLayoutBuilderConvertible {
    func leftTopAnchor(_ inset: CGFloat) -> AnchorLayoutBuilder {
        self.layout({  $ })

Or use .set(constraint: AnchorLayoutBuilderConstraint) to SnapKit Anchor if you want to use your own DSL:

extension AnchorLayoutBuilderConvertible {
    func leftTopAnchor(_ constraint: AnchorLayoutBuilderConstraint) -> AnchorLayoutBuilder {
        self.layout({  $ constraint) })
Extend DSL:

The AnchorLayoutBuilderConstraint is protocol 4 properties:

  • target
  • inset(optional)
  • comparisonType (equal, less, greater)
  • priority

You can write some extension to it for adding another syntactic sugar and modify this constraint using MutableAnchorLayoutBuilderConstraint implementation.

Why should i choose this framework?

There are already quite a few frameworks for declarative layout like SwiftUI, but DeclarativeLayutKit stands out from them:

  • Small codebase
    There is no huge number of objects, I'm not "reinventing the wheel". This is not a new layout system - just a set of helpers: AnchorLayoutBuilder, StackingLayoutBuilder, ViewStyle. This README deccription is all you need to know, no redundant documentation needed.
    πŸ’‰ And you can easily integrate the framework into project and combine it with old/existing layout code.

  • Extandable
    The framework is simple and easy to expand. Just apply Builder and Factory pattern to add new functionality.

  • Separately
    The framework solves 3 tasks:

    • property-chaining
    • layouting
    • styling

    And you can use a specific, desired set of features. See more in installation chapter



# Podfile

target 'YOUR_TARGET_NAME' do
    pod 'DeclarativeLayoutKit'

    # if you only want property-chaining feature:
    # pod 'DeclarativeLayoutKit/Chaining'

    # if you only want anchor-layouting feature:
    # pod 'DeclarativeLayoutKit/Layouting'

    # if you only want view styling feature:
    # pod 'DeclarativeLayoutKit/Styling'

Replace YOUR_TARGET_NAME and then, in the Podfile directory, type:

$ pod install

Swift Package Manager

Create a Package.swift file.

// swift-tools-version:5.0

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  dependencies: [
      .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
  targets: [
      .target(name: "YOUR_TARGET_NAME", dependencies: ["DeclarativeLayoutKit"])
      // if you only want property-chaining feature:
      // dependencies: ["DeclarativeLayoutKit/Chaining"])

      // if you only want anchor-layouting feature:
      // dependencies: ["DeclarativeLayoutKit/Layouting"])

      // if you only want view styling feature:
      // dependencies: ["DeclarativeLayoutKit/Styling])



DeclarativeLayoutKit is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


  • replaceable layout system (NSLayutConstraints, SnapKit, FrameBasedLayout)
  • placeholderable?
  • loadable?