DYSlideView 0.0.9

DYSlideView 0.0.9

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Sep 2016

Maintained by Dwarven.

An iOS tabbed slide view.


DYSlideView Demo Gif


To integrate DYSlideView into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'DYSlideView'

How to use

#import "DYSlideView.h"

//init and setup DYSlideView
DYSlideView *slideView = [[DYSlideView alloc] init];
[slideView setFrame:self.view.bounds];

slideView.slideBarColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor];
slideView.slideBarHeight = 50;

slideView.sliderColor = [UIColor redColor];
slideView.sliderHeight = 2;
slideView.sliderScale = 0.6;

slideView.buttonNormalColor = [UIColor yellowColor];
slideView.buttonSelectedColor = [UIColor blackColor];
slideView.buttonTitleFont = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:16.f];

slideView.scrollViewBounces = YES;
slideView.scrollEnabled = YES;

slideView.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:slideView];

//add delegate
@interface YourViewController () <DYSlideViewDelegate>

//implement delegate
- (NSInteger)DY_numberOfViewControllersInSlideView;
- (nonnull NSString *)DY_titleForViewControllerAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;
//You need to add the ViewController to YourViewController's childViewControllers.
- (nonnull UIViewController *)DY_viewControllerAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;

- (void)DY_didSelectButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;