CoordinatorFlow 0.1.3

CoordinatorFlow 0.1.3

Maintained by Rodion.

  • By
  • negovrodion


Version License Platform


CoordinatorFlow implements coordinator router pattern and makes it faster and easier to use, decreasing amount of required code. Just put all rout routine in one file and let controllers (or modules) just do their business.




CoordinatorFlow is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'CoordinatorFlow'


  • Create ApplicationCoordinator, replace window at AppDelegate.swift.
  • Add your own (if required) CoordinatorTypes and CallbackTypes.
  • Specify how each module will load using addModuleCoordinator or addCoordinator.
    • Use addModuleCoordinator to actually show module. ModuleCoordinator can own modules.
    • Use addCoordinator to add Coordinator, whith owns ModuleCoordinator. ApplicationCoordinator can own ModuleCoordinator directly. I am sure, in most cases you will need only addModuleCoordinator.
  • Call loadCoordinator when you need to activate coordinator. If it is ModuleCoordinator it will show predefined module. Coordinator will use startAction to launch.
  • Use setDependency to define what coordinator (and its modules) should unload when some other coordinator loading.
  • Not to forget provide required callbacks to coordinators. And implement CoordinatorModuleProtocol in a module to let it interact with coordinators.


  • Customization
  • Transitions


CoordinatorFlow is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.