CRDKeychain 1.0.8

CRDKeychain 1.0.8

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License Apache-2.0
ReleasedLast Release Apr 2019
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Chris Disdero.

  • By
  • Christopher Disdero


Build Status CocoaPods Compatible Platform

Simple straightforward Swift-based keychain access framework for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS


I recently had a need to create a way to access the Apple keychain from within a Swift-based app I was developing. Although there are several comprehensive libraries out there for this very purpose, I found that they were fairly complex and involved a lot of code. I needed something that was small and compact and easy to add to any project, just by dropping in a few files. I decided to create my own as a cocoa framework and cocoapod that will work with a consistent interface across iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS Swift-based projects.


  • iOS 9.0+ / macOS 10.12+ / watchOS 3.0+ / tvOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 10.2+
  • Swift 5.0+


You can use this code library in your project by simply adding these files from the Shared folder to your Swift project:

  • CRDKeychain.swift

    • This file defines the CRDKeychain object and the methods for getting, setting, and removing entries from the keychain.
  • CRDKeychainEntry.swift

    • This file defines the CRDKeychainEntry object which represents a keychain entry and it's various attributes. Methods in CRDKeychain use this object as the input or output.
  • CRDKeychainError.swift

    • This file defines the errors that can be thrown from the init() and other methods in CRDKeychain.
  • CRDKeychainEntryError.swift

    • This file defines the errors that can be thrown from the init() for CRDKeychainEntry.


Alternatively, you can install it as a Cocoapod

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

CocoaPods 1.7.0+ is required to build CRDKeychain.

To integrate CRDKeychain into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '10.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'CRDKeychain'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


To start using the keychain, you can create a new instance of the CRDKeychain object which represents the app's keychain:

let keychain: CRDKeychain
do {

  keychain = try CRDKeychain()

} catch let error as NSError {


The default initializer is automatically setup with your app's bundle identifier as the service name (kSecAttrService) for all the app keychain entries, nil keychain sharing access group name (kSecAttrAccessGroup), and a security setting for entries (kSecAttrAccessible) of kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly.

You can pass in one or more of these values to the initializer to override the defaults.


The following methods are available to interact with the keychain:

  • valueFor(key: String, includeData: Bool = false) throws -> CRDKeychainEntry?

    • Gets the value for a given key and returns the data depending on the includeData flag.
  • public func exists(key: String) throws -> Bool

    • Returns true if a keychain entry exists for the given key.
  • public func set(entry: CRDKeychainEntry) throws

    • Adds or updates a keychain entry using the specified value.
  • public func getAll(includeData: Bool = false) throws -> [CRDKeychainEntry]?

    • Gets all the keychain entries (with data if the flag is set) as an array.
  • public func remove(key: String) throws

    • Removes the keychain entry specified by the key.
  • public func removeAll() throws

    • Removes all the keychain entries.


The methods of CRDKeychain take in and return objects called CRDKeychainEntry objects which are basically just an object representing the properties of a keychain record - things like the account name, description, label, and of course the secret data part of the entry. See CRDKeychainEntry.swift for the available properties and the corresponding keychain attributes they represent.

Basic operations

To add a new keychain entry:

do {

  // Create a new keychain entry to add to the keychain.
  let expectedEntry = CRDKeychainEntry(key: "key1")
  expectedEntry.account = "account1"
  expectedEntry.label = "label1"
  expectedEntry.desc = "this is the description"
  expectedEntry.notes = "this is the comment"
  expectedEntry.secret = "this is the data".data(using: .utf8)

  // Add our new entry to the keychain.
  try keychain?.set(entry: expectedEntry)            

} catch let error as NSError {


To get an existing entry from the keychain:

do {

  // Get the entry just added, including the data.
  var entryFound = try keychain?.valueFor(key: "key1", includeData: true)

} catch let error as NSError {


To update an entry, just modify the attributes of an entry obtained by valueFor and call the set method passing the modified CRDKeychainEntry:

do {

  // Get the entry just added, including the data.
  var entryFound = try keychain?.valueFor(key: "key1", includeData: true)

  // Modify the entry
  entryFound.account = "account2"
  entryFound.label = "label2"
  entryFound.desc = "this is the modified description"
  entryFound.notes = "this is the modified comment"
  entryFound.secret = "this is the modified data".data(using: .utf8)

  // Save the modified entry, replacing the original in the keychain.
  try keychain?.set(entry: entryFound)

} catch let error as NSError {


To remove an entry, just call the remove method with the key of the entry you wish to remove:

do {

  // Remove the entry previously modified.
  try keychain?.remove(key: "key1")

} catch let error as NSError {


You can also use the getAll(includeData: Bool = false) method to retrieve all the entries in the keychain, if any, optionally including the data for each entry; the removeAll() method to remove all the entries; and exists(key: String) to test whether a key has an entry in the keychain.

The reason why includeData parameter is an option and defaults to false when getting entries from the keychain is that retrieving the data along with the attributes of an entry is a little slower than just retrieving the attributes. Typically you just want to get the attributes of entries only, such as when displaying some of the attributes in a table view or collection view. Retrieve the data only when you want to work with it directly.

Note that because kSecAttrSynchronizable is not available on watchOS, setting the synchronizable property of a CRDKeychainEntry object will have no effect on this platform.


I hope this small library/framework is helpful to you in your next Swift project. I'll be updating as time and inclination permits and of course I welcome all your feedback.


CRDKeychain is released under an Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.