CCLocalLib 2.2.3

CCLocalLib 2.2.3

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Aug 2017

Maintained by Mingqing Feng.

Depends on:
MBProgressHUD~> 1.0.0
SDWebImage~> 3.8.2
MJRefresh~> 3.1.12
AFNetworking~> 3.1.0

  • By
  • 冯明庆


###SomeCategorys that can be installed as a static library . (as framework , depends how you manage your pods) .

What's new ?

2017-08-10 14:50:52

After writing CCChainOperate for almost a month , I figured , that , THIS CAN BE A KIT !

Therefore , CCChainKit was created . 👏👏👏 .


and Why I still using prefix CC ?

cause I just still miss her .

2017-08-06 15:38:09

Well ... I found that local libraries have some issues on spec dependency . Therefore , CCLocalLib was no longer a local lib. 👏👏👏 -> now , jusy run pod 'LocalLib' and cocoapods will do the rest .

and probably , i won't use prefix CC any longer.

maybe , EL will be the existance in the next project . EL , Elwin Frederick , of course .

single dog , single dog , single all the way. 🐶🐶🐶

2017-07-01 19:49:01

I wrote a new library called CCChainOperate . Why I wrote it ?

well , after years of writing objective-c , i figured some dis-advantage of it . such as you have to use [] everywhere . i just hate that .

but , as we all know , on the opposite side , swift was much better , easily to use , simple to unsderstand (though its haven't stable yet).

Someday , i find , that block , can actually can perform a style like swift , therefore CCChainOperate was born (not complete yet , maybe , forever , but I'll try.).

Also , heavily inspired by react-Objc .

How to use ?

For freshmen :

  1. Download first or clone the git repo .
  2. open Terminal , cd and make right into where the Podfile placed in .
  3. pod install
  4. open *.xcworkspace
  5. see the content in the Podfile .
  6. see the conten in the locallib.spec
  7. if you can't find the spec file , use mdfind command in Terminal.

pod 'LocalLib' , '2.1.8'