CCExtensionKit 3.7.0

CCExtensionKit 3.7.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2017

Maintained by Mingqing Feng.

  • By
  • 冯明庆


Some custom categories for iOS with Objective-C.





Current Version 3.5.0

pod 'CCExtensionKit' , '~> 3.5.0' // default is CCCore

pod 'CCExtensionKit/CCFull' , '~> 3.5.0' . if you wanna install the whole Kit .


CCLocalLib has no longer effect after version 2.2.3

cause after 3.0.0 , CCLocalLib was renamed to 'CCExtensionKit' .


when install , default is CCCore , CCCore contains

CCCommon (Macros) , CCProtocol (Protocol) , CCData (NS Family), CCView (UI Family), CCRuntime (objc/ runtime associate)

when you wanna get to Full , install with "CCExtensionKit/CCFull" (note: CCFull had dependend on other vendors.)


CCCore : Core extensions . a abstract collection .

CCFull : Full extensions . a abstract collection .

CCExtensionAssets : Assets collection , preserve for future needs . (not available for now).

CCCommon : Macros && Common tools .

CCProtocol : CCProtocol . for CC . make all the sub-class of NSObject conforms to it .

CCRuntime : Packaged for some runtime functions .

CCDataBase : For now , only for Realm ('~> 2.10.0').

CCRouter : a extension Package Router for MGJRouter ('~> 0.9.3') && perform actions .

CCData : a extension actions for NS family .

CCView : a extension actions for UI family .

CCCustom : Custom classes or functions , dependend or based on other vendors .

What's new ?

2017-11-28 12:39:59

rebuilt CCBridgeWrapper in CCRouter .

2017-11-01 19:24:27

fix annoying warnings under Xcode 9.

2017-09-15 17:56:19

rename 'CCLocalLib' to 'CCExtensionKit' .
updated to '3.0.0'

2017-08-10 14:50:52

After writing CCChainOperate for almost a month , I figured , that , THIS CAN BE A KIT !

Therefore , CCChainKit was created . 👏👏👏 .

👉👉👉 CCChainKit

and Why I still using prefix CC ?

cause I just still miss her .

2017-08-06 15:38:09

Well ... I found that local libraries have some issues on spec dependency . Therefore , CCLocalLib was no longer a local lib.
👏👏👏 -> now , jusy run pod 'LocalLib' and cocoapods will do the rest .

and probably , i won't use prefix CC any longer.

maybe , EL will be the existance in the next project . EL , Elwin Frederick , of course .

single dog , single dog , single all the way. 🐶🐶🐶

2017-07-01 19:49:01

I wrote a new library called CCChainOperate .
Why I wrote it ?

well , after years of writing objective-c , i figured some dis-advantage of it . such as you have to use [] everywhere . i just hate that .

but , as we all know , on the opposite side , swift was much better , easily to use , simple to unsderstand (though its haven't stable yet).

Someday , i find , that block , can actually can perform a style like swift , therefore CCChainOperate was born (not complete yet , maybe , forever , but I'll try.).

Also , heavily inspired by react-Objc .


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Already done in pod spec.


CCExtensionKit is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "CCExtensionKit"


ElwinFrederick, [email protected]


CCExtensionKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.