BluetoothLEManager 1.0.6

BluetoothLEManager 1.0.6

Maintained by Hassan Shahbazi.


build status

Most completed library to deal with BLE-related implementations (Central, Peripheral)


Easy to use

No need to dive into complex delegates and configurations of CoreBluetooth anymore. You can start your bluetooth role easily in a few lines.


It supports both Central and Peripheral modes with simple and easy-to-implement callbacks. You do not need to add seperate libraries for Central or Peripheral anymore.


It is written in Objective-c usable in both Objective-c and Swift. It is stable and you do not need to update your library with every updates on Swift and Xcode.

Getting Started

These instructions will help you to add BluetoothLEManager to your current Xcode project in a few lines



The easiest way to import BluetoothLEManager to your current project is to use Cocoapods. Just add the following to your Podfile

pod 'BluetoothLEManager'


You can also download the whole code manually and copy the following classes to your project based on your needs



This library is using Observer Protocol pattern. You can get callbacks in more than one class and you do not need to keep refrences to delegates.


You can start using application with adding observer classes. The classes you want to get callbacks by them


Then, add CentralManagerObserver protocol to your controller class.

extension BluetoothController: CentralManagerObserver {
    func centralStateDidUpdated(_ state: CBManagerState)
    func centralDidFound(_ macAddress: String!)
    func centralDidConnected()
    func centralDidDisconnected()
    func centralDidRead(_ data: Data!)
    func centralDidReadRSSI(_ rssi: NSNumber!)
    func centralPairedList(_ list: [Any]!)
    func centralDidWriteData()
    func centralDidFailed(_ error: Error!)
    func centralDidRestored()

Now, you have to add your targets' services and characteristics. Please add the 'Notify' ones to serviceNotifyCharacteristics if you want to subscibe on them

CentralManager.sharedInstance().serviceUUID = [CBUUID(string: "180F")]
CentralManager.sharedInstance().serviceCharacteristics = [CBUUID(string: "212A")]
CentralManager.sharedInstance().serviceNotifyCharacteristics = [CBUUID(string: "212A")]

Then, you can start scanning for nearby peripehral devices which makes the func centralDidFound(_ macAddress: String!) to be fired



Just like Central configuration, start by adding observer classes which has implemented PeripheralManagerObserver protocols


extension BluetoothController: PeripheralManagerObserver {
    func peripheralStateDidUpdated(_ state: CBManagerState)
    func peripheralDidStartAdvertising()
    func peripheralDidConnect(_ central: CBCentral!, to characteristic: CBCharacteristic!)
    func peripheralDidDisonnect(_ central: CBCentral!, from characteristic: CBCharacteristic!)
    func peripheralDidGetRead(_ request: CBATTRequest!)
    func peripheralDidGetWrite(_ requests: [CBATTRequest]!)

Then, you have to add services you want to advertise..

Peripheral.sharedInstance().serviceUUID = CBUUID(string: string: "180F")

and the characteristics you want to add to your service in the format of MyCharacterstic

let characteristic = MyCharacterstic()
characteristic.uuid = CBUUID(string: "180F")
characteristic.permission = [.readEncryptionRequired, .writeEncryptionRequired] = [.read, .write, .notify]

Peripheral.sharedInstance().serviceCharacteristics = [characteristic]

Now your advertisement can be started. Specify a name for it and start advertisement process

Peripheral.sharedInstance().localName = YOUR_NAME

You might need to remove services you had added before, or you may want to stop advertisement

Peripheral.sharedInstance().removeService(CBUUID(string: string: "180F"))


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  • Alphabetize your entry.
  • Search previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate.
  • Suggested READMEs should be beautiful or stand out in some way.
  • Make an individual pull request for each suggestion.
  • New categories, or improvements to the existing categorization are welcome.
  • Keep descriptions short and simple, but descriptive.
  • Start the description with a capital and end with a full stop/period.
  • Check your spelling and grammar.
  • Make sure your text editor is set to remove trailing whitespace.

Thank you for your suggestions!



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details