BLEMidAutumn 6.6.7

BLEMidAutumn 6.6.7

Maintained by xuezou, west, iwown.

  • By
  • xuezou


Iwown's BLE device software developer tools in iOS platform. This SDK can help you quickly build apps and establish connections and communicate with Iwown's Bluetooth devices.


  • "AutumnHeader.h" contains important Macro and Enum.
  • "BLEAutumn.h" implements an instance of CBCentralManager, managing Bluetooth status, searching and connecting.
  • "BLEquinox.h" introduces the delegation method of communication.
  • "BLESolstice.h" lists the active methods of the app.
  • "ZRHealthData.h" is the underlying model of the data.
  • "ZRModel.h" is the base model for device settings.

How to Use

Initialize with the following code, remember to keep a strong reference.

self.bleAutumn = [BLEAutumn midAutumn:BLEProtocol_Any];
self.bleAutumn.discoverDelegate = self;
self.bleAutumn.connectDelegate = self;
[self.bleAutumn isBound];

Programming language

Both support for Objective-C && Swift.