Arale 0.0.4

Arale 0.0.4

Maintained by Zulwiyoza Putra.

Arale 0.0.4

License Platform Version


A custom stretchy big head for UITableView, UICollectionView, or any UIScrollView subclasses.


Example 1

Arale, by ZulwiyozaPutra

  • Compatible with UITableView, UICollectionView, or any UIScrollView subclasses.
  • Data source and delegate independency: can be added to an existing view controller without interfering with your existing delegate or dataSource.
  • No need to subclass a custom view controller or to use a custom UICollectionViewLayout.

If you are using this library in your project, I would be more than glad to know about it!


To add a stretchy header to your table or collection view, you just have to do this:

import Arale

var araleHeaderView: AraleHeaderView!


let araleHeaderView = AraleHeaderView(minHeight: 256.0, backgroundImage: myBackgroundImage)
araleHeaderView.delegate = self

// In case you want to add an UIActivityIndicatorView
// To handle action if the AraleHeaderView has resize to maxHeight you can implement a AraleHeaderViewDelegate conformed UIViewController

araleHeaderView.delegate = self


// And implement headerViewDidReachMaxHeight to get event when the araleHeaderView did reach the maximum height

func headerViewDidReachMaxHeight(headerView: AraleHeaderView) {
    NSLog("%@", "Start Refreshing")
// AraleHeaderViewDelegate comes with three optional delegate method
func headerViewWillResizeFrame(headerView: AraleHeaderView)
func headerViewDidResizeFrame(headerView: AraleHeaderView)
func headerViewDidReachMaxHeight(headerView: AraleHeaderView)


You can add an optional UIViewActivityIndicatorView in your stretchy header view:

let myActivityIndicatorview = UIActivityIndicatorView(style: .white)
self.araleHeadeView.activityIndicatorView = myActivityIndicatorView

the activityIndicatorView will not be rendered if remain nil in case you don't need an activityIndicator.


Arale is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile, you can check the Example Podfile to see how it looks like:

pod "Arale"


Zulwiyoza Putra


Contributions are more than welcome! If you find a solution for a bug or have an improvement, don't hesitate to open a pull request!


Arale is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

If your app uses Arale, I'd be glad if you reach me via Twitter or via email.