AppMetricaCore 5.3.2

AppMetricaCore 5.3.2

Maintained by Sergey, Alexey Nesterovich, Monster Frankenstein.

Depends on:
AppMetricaLog= 5.3.2
AppMetricaNetwork= 5.3.2
AppMetricaCoreUtils= 5.3.2
AppMetricaHostState= 5.3.2
AppMetricaProtobufUtils= 5.3.2
AppMetricaPlatform= 5.3.2
AppMetricaStorageUtils= 5.3.2
AppMetricaEncodingUtils= 5.3.2
AppMetricaProtobuf= 5.3.2
AppMetricaFMDB= 5.3.2

  • By
  • AppMetrica

AppMetrica SDK

AppMetrica is a one-stop marketing platform for install attribution, app analytics, and push campaigns. AppMetrica covers the three key features for discovering your app's performance — ad tracking, usage analytics and crash analytics.


AppMetrica is released under the MIT license. License agreement is available at LICENSE.


Detailed information and instructions for integration are available in the documentation.