AnimatableReload 0.2.0

AnimatableReload 0.2.0

Maintained by Harshal Jadhav.

  • By
  • harshalrj25


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Animate tableview and collectionview with few lines of code.

 pod "AnimatableReload"

 import AnimatableReload

 AnimatableReload.reload(tableView: self.demoTableView, animationDirection: "up")

Instead of using reload method of tableview and collectionview, just use the above method to reload with animations. you can also specify the directions of animations.

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For tableview:

   AnimatableReload.reload(tableView: self.demoTableView, animationDirection: "up")

For collectionview:

  AnimatableReload.reload(collectionView: self.demoCollectionView, animationDirection: "up")

You can animate from following directions:

  AnimatableReload.reload(tableView: self.demoTableView, animationDirection: "up")
  AnimatableReload.reload(tableView: self.demoTableView, animationDirection: "down")
  AnimatableReload.reload(tableView: self.demoTableView, animationDirection: "left")
  AnimatableReload.reload(tableView: self.demoTableView, animationDirection: "right")
  AnimatableReload.reload(collectionView: self.demoCollectionView, animationDirection: "up")
  AnimatableReload.reload(collectionView: self.demoCollectionView, animationDirection: "down")
  AnimatableReload.reload(collectionView: self.demoCollectionView, animationDirection: "left")
  AnimatableReload.reload(collectionView: self.demoCollectionView, animationDirection: "right")


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



AnimatableReload is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "AnimatableReload"

Author 😇

My email id, [email protected]

Harshal Jadhav


It's all your's 🎁