AWSWrapper 0.1.9

AWSWrapper 0.1.9

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Aug 2017

Maintained by lyc2345.

Depends on:
AWSCognito~> 2.5.2
AWSCognitoIdentityProvider~> 2.5.2
AWSDynamoDB~> 2.5.2
AWSCore~> 2.5.2
AWSS3~> 2.5.2
DS~> 0.1.10
AFNetworking~> 3.0
SAMKeychain>= 0

  • By
  • lyc2345


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



AWSWrapper is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "AWSWrapper", :git => ''


@import AWSWrapper;
  1. Sign up for AWSMobileHub Service
  2. create Bookmark and History "Amazon DynamoDb Tables" Amazon DynamoDb Tables
  3. create "Amazon Cognito Idnentity Pools", User sign-in only use Email and Password. Cognito Idnentity Pools
  4. set up .plist according to
    1. Integrate > iOS Obj-C > Getting Started > OPTION 2
    2. OR You can see the plist in DEMO project. Integrate
// Example
AWSMobileClient *mobileClient = [AWSMobileClient sharedInstance];
mobileClient.AWSCognitoUserPoolId = @"";
mobileClient.AWSCognitoUserPoolClientId = @"";
mobileClient.AWSCognitoUserPoolClientSecret = @"";
mobileClient.AWSCognitoUserPoolRegion = AWSRegionUSEast1;
mobileClient.CognitoPoolID = @"";

Turn on Debug Mode

  1. Choose pod project in your workspace
  2. Choose AWSWrapper in pod project
  3. Select build settings -> find Preprocessor Macros -> add debugMode=1 in DEBUG shows below DebugMode




lyc2345, [email protected]


AWSWrapper is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.