AMVennDiagramView 2.1.0

AMVennDiagramView 2.1.0

Maintained by am10.

  • By
  • am10


Pod Platform Pod License Pod Version Carthage Compatible Swift Package Manager compatible

AMVennDiagramView is a view can display the diagram like Venn diagram. It displays two circles whose area ratio is almost an accurate.


2018-02-17 18 31 11


Create vennDiagramView.

let vennDiagramView = AMVennDiagramView(frame: view.bounds)
vennDiagramView.setupVennDiagram(value1: 1000, value2: 500, commonValue: 200)
vennDiagramView.dataSource = self

Conform to the protocol in the class implementation.

// MARK:- Required
func vennDiagramView(_ vennDiagramView: AMVennDiagramView, fillColorForSection section: Int) -> UIColor
func vennDiagramView(_ vennDiagramView: AMVennDiagramView, strokeColorForSection section: Int) -> UIColor
// MARK:- Optional
func vennDiagramView(_ vennDiagramView: AMVennDiagramView, titleForSection section: Int, value: CGFloat) -> String  // default is empty
func titleForCommonArea(in vennDiagramView: AMVennDiagramView, value: CGFloat) -> String // default is empty
func vennDiagramView(_ vennDiagramView: AMVennDiagramView, textColorForSection section: Int) -> UIColor // default is black
func textColorForCommonArea(in vennDiagramView: AMVennDiagramView) -> UIColor // default is black
func vennDiagramView(_ vennDiagramView: AMVennDiagramView, textFontForSection section: Int) -> UIFont // default is System 17.0
func textFontForCommonArea(in vennDiagramView: AMVennDiagramView) -> UIFont // default is System 17.0

section of value1 is 0. section of value2 is 1.



Add this to your Podfile.

pod 'AMVennDiagramView'


Add this to your Cartfile.

github "adventam10/AMVennDiagramView"
