Tutelar 0.0.3

Tutelar 0.0.3

Maintained by ‘Tutelar’.

Tutelar 0.0.3

  • By
  • Tutelar

Tutelar iOS SDK

Tutelar are risk management experts. Our high powered tech-enabled solutions simplify fraud risk management and automates auxiliary business processes enabling companies to focus on its core products and services.



  1. Use iOS 11.0 or higher
  2. Use Swift version 5.0 and above
  3. (optional) Core Location permission for device location

Note: If the application does not have the listed permissions, the values collected using those permissions will be ignored. To provide a valid device fingerprint, we recommend employing as much permission as possible based on your use-case.

Step 1 - Installation

pod 'Tutelar', '~> 0.0.3'
pod update

Step 2 - Import SDK

import Tutelar

Step 3 - Initialize SDK

To initialize the SDK add the below line of code with the public key you retrieved from Tutelar merchant panel. If you don't have a public key create new one.

let tutelar = Fingerprint(key: " Your Unique Public Key ")

Step 4 - Implement Delegate Method

Use the below code to obtain the Device result.

extension ViewController: FingerprintDelegate{
    func onFailure(message: String) {
        // Failure Callback.
    func onSuccess(data: [String : Any]) {
        // Success Callback

Step 5 - Getting Device Info

By calling the following function to receive the device info shown below.

tutelar.getDeviceDetails(withDelegate: self )

Step 6 - Update Permission (optional)

You have to add this permission in Info.plist.

// This is probably the only one you need. Background location is supported
// when the app is using location service while in the background.

That's it for the integration, now send the obtained device fingerprint to the server.