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Simple in use library for showing popular UI control - bottom sheet. Main difference from SwiftUI's .sheet is that uses not full screen space but only bottom part and can be interactively closed and/or change it's size. Second case looks like UIKit's UISheetPresentationController but more flexible and customizable (with some caveats). One of BottomSheets' features is updating it's size to wrap content without blank spaces realtime.

Getting started

Fastest way to show bottom sheet is:

.bottomSheet(isPresented: $isShown) {
    // sheet content

Where isPresented controls visibility of sheet.

Also you can use optional based variant:

.bottomSheet(item: $optionalModel) {
    // sheet content

Sheet is hidden when optionalModel == nil and shown otherwise.


SwiftUIBottomSheet also provides much more control via configuration:

struct BottomSheetConfig {
    enum Kind {
        case `static` // bottom sheet is static and can not be resized or dismissed by user's gestures
        case tapDismiss // bottom sheet can be dismissed by tapping outside of it

        case resizable // can not be dismissed but has ability to be resized - drag handle is drawn at top of bottom sheet
        case interactiveDismiss // bottom sheet can be dismissed by tapping outside of it or swiped down with drag handle
    enum HandlePosition {
        case inside // drag handle drawn inside bottomsheet adding padding to content
        case outside // drag handle drawn outside

    var maxHeight: CGFloat // max height of sheet to prevent overgrow outside of screen, default is 600
    var kind: Kind // type of sheet behavior, default is .interactiveDismiss
    var overlayColor: Color // color of area outside of sheet covering content, default id `.black` or `.white` depending on current color sheme
    var shadow: Color? // color of shadow around sheet, shadow is absent when set to nil
    var background: Color // color of sheet background, default is system background color
    var handleColor: Color // color of drag handle, default is gray
    var handlePosition: HandlePosition // position of drag handle when it visible - inside or outside bottomsheet
    var topBarCornerRadius: CGFloat? // radius of top corners of sheet, default is nil wich equals to 15 
    var sizeChangeRequest: Binding<CGFloat> // binding wich changed when user changed size of sheet by dragging it's handle (see more info below)

sizeChangeRequest property gives you ability to control height of content caused by user. Here is example of UISheetPresentationController-like behavior:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var isShown = false
    @State private var height: CGFloat = 200
    @State private var requestedSize: CGFloat = 200

    var body: some View {
            Button("show") {
                isShown = true
        .bottomSheet(isPresented: $isShown, config: .init(sizeChangeRequest: $requestedSize)) {
              .frame(height: height)
        .onValueChange(requestedSize) { sz in
            if height < 220 && sz > 220 {
                height = 600
            } else if height > 580 && sz < 580 {
                height = 200

For cases where you have predefined config (for setting up colors etc.) there is method .feedback(into: Binding<CGFloat>) provided by library:

  .bottomSheet(isPresented: $isShown, config: $requestedSize)) { // where `config` is predefined shared configuration

That's all, folks :-)



This view can help organize bottomsheet content when it's height can be dynamically changed and become too large. This view becomes scrollview when it's content exeeds vertical size:

struct SomeView: View {
    @Statу private var height: CGFloat = 200
    var body: some View {
        OvergrowScrollView(maxHeight: 300) {
        .onAppear {
            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline .now() + .seconds(5)) {
                height = 500 // view become scrollable after 5 seconds



pod 'SwiftUIBottomSheet'

Includes Example: pod try SwiftUIBottomSheet

Swift Package Manager




SwiftUIBottomSheet is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.