Mimic 1.3.2

Mimic 1.3.2

Maintained by Felipe Ruz.

Mimic 1.3.2

  • By
  • Felipe Ruz


Mimic is a simple library for stubbing network request.



Using Mimic with Cocoapods.

To integrate Mimic into your Xcode project, add the following to your Podfile.

    pod 'Mimic', '~> 1.3.1'

Swift Package Manager

Using Mimic with Swift Package Manager.

Add Mimic as a dependcy in your Package.swift file.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/feliperuzg/Mimic", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.3.1"))


Using Mimic with Carthage.

To integrate Mimic into your Xcode project, add the following to your Cartfile.

github "feliperuzg/Mimic" 


Adding new stub

To create a new stub use

@discardableResult public class func mimic(
    request: @escaping MimicRequest,
    delay: TimeInterval = 0,
    response: @escaping MimicResponse
) -> MimicObject

Where MimicRequest is constructed like:

request(with method: MimicHTTPMethod, url: String, wildCard: Bool = false)

And MimicResponse is constructed like:

response(with json: Any status: Int = 200, headers: String : String]? = nil)


let stub = Mimic.mimic(
    request: request(with: .get, url: "http://example.com"),
    delay: 2,
    response: response(with: ["response": true], status: 200, headers: ["SomeHeader": "SomeValue"]) 

You could also prefer not to store the MimicObject that's returned, like:

    request: request(with: .get, url: "http://example.com"),
    delay: 2,
    response: response(with: ["response": true], status: 200, headers: ["SomeHeader": "SomeValue"]) 

Randomize stubs

Mimic supports returning a random mimic for the same request, to archive this just add more than one mimic for the same request, for example:

    request: request(with: .get, url: "http://example.com"),
    delay: 2,
    response: response(with: ["response": true], status: 200]) 

    request: request(with: .get, url: "http://example.com"),
    delay: 2,
    response: response(with: ["response": false], status: 400]) 

And finally activate the randomize fuction by activating it's parameter in Mimic

Mimic.randomizeMimics = true

This will search all mimics for a request and return a random element.

Using wild card parameters

Mimic support adding multiple wild card parameters inside an url by replacing the string with @wild. This will allow to stub request to endpoints with dynamic paramters inside path o query, for example:

Let's take as example the followig url


Adding wild parameter to path parater path2


Adding wild parameter to query parameter value1


Adding wild paramter to both path2 and value1


Removing stubs

To remove a single stub you can use

public class func stopMimic(_ mimic: MimicObject)

For Example:

This will add a new stub

let stub = Mimic(
    request: request(with: .get, url: "http://example.com"),
    delay: 2,
    response: response(with: ["response": true))

For removing it you would do:


For removing all stubs call:



To ensure the URLSessionConfiguration swizzle is performed before the request it's recommended to initialize Mimic first

class myTests: XCTests {
    // Test properties here
    override func setUp() {
        // Other initializers
    // Other tests functions


Mimic only support simple request, it doesn't support downloading or uploading tasks yet.

Request methods are limited to:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT