John Morgan



FireRoutes introduces the concept of a Route. A Route represents a particular API call - how the request should be structured and how the response data should be interpreted.

License: MIT

  • Swift


License: MIT


Imagine being able to set up Autolayout constraints directly between your views and the iOS keyboard, so that your layout updates whenever the keyboard's frame changes. KeyboardLayoutGuide makes that possible, providing options to do so entirely within Interface Builder or in code.

License: MIT

  • Swift


LifecycleHooks allows custom code to be injected into views and view controllers in response to lifecycle events

License: MIT

  • Swift


Sparse is a simple parsing library, written in Swift. It is based on the parser-combinator approach as used by Haskell's Parsec. Its focus is on natural language parser creation and descriptive error messages.

License: MIT

  • Swift


URLPatterns is a small library to enable more idiomatic Swift pattern matching of URL path elements. NSURL is extended with the method countedPathElements(), which converts the URL's' array of path elements into a Counted enum. Each case in Counted has a different number of associated values, which makes pattern-matching each element easy, including wildcard, value-binding, begins and ends patterns.

License: MIT

  • Swift