Eric Slosser

Need to localize to a new language after your app has already shipped? Typo in your production app? Users saying they wish you added more superlatives??
Simply replace NSLocalizedString with CRZLocalizedString and the power to do all of this will be yours.
You set up an endpoint with a json file full of strings and your app will treat it like an extended .strings file.
License: MIT
RZDebugMenu mimics the behavior of a Settings.bundle, but is globally available within your app so you can change whatever setting you'd like at any point.
License: MIT
RZTransitions is a library to help make iOS7 custom View Controller transitions slick and simple. Features Include: * A comprehensive library of animation controllers * A comprehensive library of interaction controllers * Mix and match any animation controller with any interaction controller * A shared instance manager that helps wrap the iOS7 custom transition protocol to expose a friendlier API
License: MIT