Prabaharan E



Features 1. Single selection and multiselection option 2. Customization on changing the colors of the dates 3. Delegates to capture teh selected dates 4. Option to define the calendar start and ending year

License: MIT

  • Swift


Features 1. Single selection and multiselection option 2. Making the secondary data to show as requested(Phonenumbers, Emails, Birthday and Organisation) 3. Section Indexes to easily navigate throught the contacts 4. Showing initials when image is not available 5. EPContact object to get the properties of the contacts

License: MIT

  • Swift


  1. Design shapes in interface builder using IBInspectable and IBDesignable Protocols
  2. UIBezierPath extensions that can easily draw polygons, stars, arrows and hearts
  3. Designable classes that can be used with custom views
  4. Support for creating programmatically
  5. Scale shapes
  6. Apply extursions for stars to generate different star shapes
  7. Equilateral Polygon UIviews/UIImageViews/UIButtons with 'n' number of shapes can be designed directly from IB/ Storyboards

License: MIT

  • Swift


Features 1. User can draw the signature either by finger or by apple pencil 2. Ability to save the signature as default signature 3. Ability to load the saved signature 4. Works on both orientations(portrait and landscape) 5. Works on both iPhone and iPad 6. Also can be embedded in any container view 7. Can extract the signature as Image 8. Draws smoothly

License: MIT

  • Swift