Malcolm Jarvis



UILabel subclass with link detection using Core Text

License: MIT

  • Objective C


ReSwift is a Redux-like implementation of the unidirectional data flow architecture in Swift. It embraces a unidirectional data flow that only allows state mutations through declarative actions.

License: MIT

  • Swift


A recording store for ReSwift. Enables hot-reloading and time travel for ReSwift apps. Still in experimental stage!

License: MIT

  • Swift


A declarative router for ReSwift. Allows developers to declare routes in a similar manner as URLs are used on the web. Using ReSwiftRouter you can navigate your app by defining the target location in the form of a URL-like sequence of identifiers.

License: MIT

  • Swift


A thunk middleware for ReSwift. Allows developers to create easily create async actions. Works well with promises.

License: MIT

  • Swift